
Why do i feel relaxed after chiropractor spine adjustment?

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I heard that it can be do to release toxins of the body. If yes than how are they being released? how those it work?I tried looking for an answear to my questions but out of luck.




  1. a lot of it is placebo...

  2. Think about this.  Emotions are chemical and electrical.  Muscular tension, whatever the cause, can quite literally pull the bones out of alignment, as can the stress of uneven wear (misalignment).  Chiropractic adjustments particularly pay attention to the proper alignment and functioning of the spine and the entire central nervous system, which are the foundation, the entire communication system of the body, and its foundation as well.  When a chiropractor makes an adjustment, literally the entire way your body's cells speak to each other and interact are changed, and nudged towards greater health.  When you get the meninges of the spine to relax and stop torquing the entire spinal column out of alignment, does it not make sense that tension would be greatly alleviated in the body, and that if everything is more relaxed and running more easily, that you would feel better as well?  This seems like a no-brainer to me.  Chiropractic and massage therapy, in fact almost ANY type of bodywork quite literallly changes the cortisol levels (stress hormones) in the body.  It changes the musculature.  It changes how often and how the neurons in the brain fire and how the nerves literally speak to each other and give feedback to the brain.  When you change the level of muscular tension in the body and in the spinal cord (ie around it), you change the entire being, down to the bones, down to the cells.  

    Regarding toxins:  There are toxic chemicals held when the body is under stress (lactic acid would be the most well known, but there are many, many, many others, cortisol and homocystein would be two others.), that are released into the blood stream and the lymph when a person undergoes bodywork.  Typically, toxins in the body are released through the following body systems/parts:  1)  The lungs, through the outbreath;  2)  The kidneys, through the urine; 3)  The skin through cellular respiration and ultimately through sweating and other skin discharges.  4)  Through the liver;  when toxins come through the liver, they can be dumped into the f***s and then excreted through the bowel.  They can come through the skin and typically manifest as rashes, eczema, psoriasis, acne, skin breakouts and disturbances.  Discharges can also be electrical such as in seizures and are often emotional as well, as seen in panic attacks, rages, episodes of crying, shouting, screaming, tantruming, catatonia, apathy, moaning, shaking.  Essentially, any output in the body is a discharge of some type or another.

    Hope that helps to answer your questions.  Please do not hesitate to email or repost if you have further questions.

  3. From a recipient of osteopathy/chiropractic who dosn't have a lot of knowledge...... I very often feel my spine go 'out', be it a slipped disc or whatever. Main cause where I live here is ancient transportation on bad roads. After that I can't sleep or think clearly and the pain spreads as other muscles tense up. After chiropractic  therapy I feel straight and whatever seemed to be pinching nerves or whatever, is relieved. I believe in it. Osteopaths seem to be more gentle and they give massage first to loosen the muscles before manipulation. I have 25 years of  experiencing occaisional treatment and I almost always found very good therapists.

  4. anytime you "pop" a joint (as you guys call it), endorphins get released from your body. this lasts a few minutes. endorphins are a natural drug your body makes and is a natural pain releiver. also-adjusting the upper neck can lower the blood pressure by as much as 17 pts.  good morning america just did a special on this. hope this helps- dr. dave

  5. When your spine is out of alignment you subconsciously use excess muscles to control how you move causing you to have extra strain on those muscles.  After realignment your mind knows you will not have to do this thus relaxes those muscles which in turn relaxes you.

  6. You know, I have a bad habit of cracking my knuckles, and a few other joints in my body.  It actually feels good...theres a tension that builds up and it is released when I crack them.  But I'm not releasing any toxins or re-aligning my knuckles.

    There is a lot to be said for human contact.  Someone is paying attention to you.  Also, if you have paid money to have a treatment, you probably think there is something to it already, and your expectations are high.

    Chiropractic is a form of spinal manipulative therapy, which has been around for thousands of years.  Massaging sore muscles and tendons feels good.  There is nothing more to it than that.

    You do know that it is physically impossible for a human to generate the amount of force needed to actually manipulate the spine?  Chiropractic subluxations are a myth, they can't even agree on them amongst themselves, and "innate energy" is nonsense....akin to chi.

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