
Why do i feel sad????????/?

by  |  earlier

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Okay me and my friend arn't talking anymore..

and whenever they go offline and they stay off all night. i miss them..

and then i feel like i just want to stay off too but i don't? because i come back online the next day? :S

I hate feeling like this




  1. You need to talk to your friends. What you're feeling is probably a feeling of rejection and loneliness. Tell them what you're feeling and make sure you have a heart to heart with them! Good luck!

  2. if you miss your friend so much, then just talk to them. if it was your fault, apologize, and if it was theirs, just say you have done alot of thinking, and your over it. even if your not that might be the only way you guys will talk again. just forget about what happened and move on, dont be stubborn, i.m him/her

  3. IT sounds like they are not your true friends. You need to find more friends. I think you will find a good friend one day. I also suggest you put a smile on your face, read a book, watch a good show, or even get outside and walk and enjoy the sunshine. THis will help you clear your mind.

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