
Why do i feel so fatiqued?

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I'm 22 i workout regularly i eat very healthy i am a smoker. This problem has been going on while. I wife even complains i am always sleeping. I have told doctors about this but they really don't say much just get more sleep. I get 8hrs of sleep a night eat healthy and everything i workout but it should not make me this sleeping. I feel so tired during the day even if i get the right amount of sleeping. Maybe i have a deficiency of a specific vitamin I don't no any advice what can i take other than caffeine to feel more energized and not like a bag of c**p. It comes in spells i'll feel real sleeping and then im awake i feel good wired i should keep track of what i am doing when i feel better. Sometimes when i am tired and ready to sleep i wont then i wake up and feel better for some reason then i cant sleep and my schedule screwed its like a spell i go through tired then not helpThanks




  1. Fatigue can be due to many things, including both physical (illness, lack of enough "good" sleep, chemical sensitivity) and psychological (stress, depression, neurological imbalance.)

    You say you're a smoker -- have you considered giving this up? Nicotine is a stimulant, and if your body becomes acclimated to it, and expects it in your system, then when you're not stimulated, you'lll feel tired.

    Some people also have allergies/sensitivities to certain substances that may cause them to feel fatigued.

    Finally, there is also an increasingly studied disease known as "chronic fatigue syndrome," the cause for which is still being researched by doctors.

  2. u might have depression ask the doc for some anti depressants  

  3. You propably should visit a psychiatrist. It could be Depression, Anxiety, Chronic fatigue syndrome or Excessive daytime sleepiness.

  4. Using caffeine to "fix" this problem just keeps this cycle going.  First, get rid of the caffeine.  As a fellow smoker, I can tell you that nicotine in the evenings can keep you awake or from sleeping soundly.

    Now for how much you sleep.  We're all a little different with this, just like most other things.  Your body may require 8.5 - 9 hours of sleep each night.  Depriving yourself of that 0.5 - 1 hour of sleep will have the effect your describing - and you can never catch up.

    Try to increase your sleep time for a few weeks - like an extra hour per night.  Also, try taking a multi-vitamin.  I'm convinced I feel better when I'm taking mine, but it takes about 2 weeks to start feeling different.

  5. one of the most concerning and serious causes of generalized weakness and fatigue is cancer. you should have a workup done or suggest it to your doctor. you know your body best so any changes you are concerned about should be addressed with your doc. if the doc doesn't take your concerns seriously, go see another! good luck buddy.

    another cause of fatigue is depression. how has your mood been lately.

    hypothyroidism can also be a cause. with hypothyroidism, patients gain weight, have cold intolerance and feel depressed.

  6. Ur not working out with me, ur good griend Barney the Purple dinosaur

  7. hahaha thought of aspartame poisoning-maybe you drink too much diet coke....perhaps

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