
Why do i feel this way D:?

by  |  earlier

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i hate this! i am 13 and i feel like so wierd all the time. when i think about it i wanna cry. i think i am the only one who feels this way, like i am different. but i feel like numb. like mentally. like i am not really living life. like i never feel like anythings reall. i dont get it please pleas help. what is this??




  1. erm.. idk i think ur

    emo-tional maybe try

    a phycitrist =) good luck

  2. I get it, no seriously I do. I'm also 13 years old, and sometimes I feel the same way. Right now, since I found out that I'm not as unique with the weird suicidal thoughts, I think it just has to do with our hormones acting up. It messes with our thoughts and emotions, making us feel and think different. Or, if it's just that we're looking at life in a different perspective. Like, we just realized that the world isn't all butterflies and rainbows, but a big war zone.(not literally) Well, the best possible way to get over this, I experiment with this sometimes, is to just keep yourself busy with something. If you keep your mind off of it, it would stay off once you're used to it.

  3. It sounds like depression.  Do you feel like you are just going through the motions?  Do you never laugh real laughs? Is your world dark with no sunshine?

    Those are symptoms of classic depression.  You need to talk to your doctor.  Tell him/her everything you wrote in your question.  There are so many antidepressants (medications) available, but I'm not positive if they give them to girls your age.  They should though, unless your doctor thinks this is just hormones, which is very possible.  Your symptoms sound pretty severe though.

    Please make an appointment with your doctor.  It should be a doctor you have a real good connection with.  If you don't like your current doctor, try another one. If you're not crazy about that one, try another one.  That's very important.   Hopefully, after examining and talking with you, your doctor will be able to help you get rid of these horrible feelings you should not have to be living with.  It isn't fair.

    I wish you all the luck in the world.  :)

  4. Your not alone, just when you think no one thinks as you. You find out we all have similar thoughts. Your in a rut, you need to do things that will stimulate your mind. Find something you enjoy doing. Go out and meet new people.

    I grew up thinking that I didn't belong also. Thought I was from another planet. Still wonder sometimes. I am so much different then the norm of society, but have always found others that think as I.

    So, smiles your not alone. That and your at the age were your hormones are changing. Puberty.

  5. Every other person who has been 13 has felt the same way.  It is part of the age.  It will be better for you if you accept the fact that your body and mind are growing from childhood to adolescence, and don't get too worried about it.

    Every adolescent feels weird and feels like they are the only one who feels this way. That's why most adolescents do their best to look and act just like everybody else in their age group.  But the fact is, everybody feels different.

    Part of it is that you have discovered that everybody in the world has an opinion, not just your family.  As a child, you try mostly to follow your parents' standards.  As you move into adolescence you see that you and your peers have opinions too, and you want to be accepted by them just as you always wanted to be accepted by your family.  It's part of growing toward adulthood, learning to recognize everybody's ability to form an opinion.  It's an adjustment, though.

    It's time for you to be choosing your own standards.  Stick to them.  

    Hope this helps.

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