okay. well, i'm a very touchy person. and i hate any physical contact.
i hate, hate, HATE it when anybody hugs me, except for friends. when my family gives me a hug or a family kiss, i get so angry, but i just pretend not to be bothered by it.
i hate when people hold my hand. i just want to squirm from their grasp.
it's not my feelings for the person that determines this, it's just the thought of people affectionately touching me makes me angry. i don't like being touched.
i don't tell anybody not to hug me because i don't want to make anyone feel bad, especially my father who is very affectionate with me. he is a great father and i love him, but i get so uncomfortable being hugged, and having him put his arm around me in the car.
my sister is autistic, but not to a high degree. she's just very touchy and doesn't like people next to her. she also has trouble meeting people and comes off as very quiet and timid.
idk if this is genetic or anything. but i'm pretty sure i dont have autism.
why am i so touchy and how can i teach myself to calm down and appreciate the love my family gives me?