
Why do i find it so hard to talk to my dad?

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I need help, I have recently got back in contact with my after many many years, I have talked to him over the phone and couldn't stop shaking i didn't know what to say, I have really missed him but i have a mental block every time i speak to him, He has invited me over to his house and i am worried that i am not going to be able to think of anything to talk about and there is going to be those awkward silences, I have mentioned that i find it hard to talk to him, He lives with his wife and teenage kids and i feel like i am going to be sat there shaking and speechless, Has anyone been in the same situation and has any advice ?




  1. I never been to this situation...

    but my dad is like a buddy to me, we fight,chat,have blast with each other.

    I din`t get whts the problm betwn u people..

    Go to him, after all he ur dad... thr is nthg to feel shaken or whatever while talking to Daddy cool...

  2. Maybe you should right him and letter and tell him how you really feel to be talking about him and how hard it is then maybe when you see him it wont be that hard

  3. I recently got in contact with my Dad again too. We email each other at the moment because I just feel way too shy to talk down the phone (let alone meet), and I'm not usually shy at all.

    I think I would be shaking on the phone, and I know I definitely wouldn't know what to say!

    So don't worry about it, I'm glad I'm not the only one in this boat!

    I guess it's just normal and we both need to take our time and just wait until we feel ready and not be forced into doing anything we don't want to do.

    I'm sure your Dad understands this must be a big thing for you and would do his best to make you feel comfortable. He's probably terrified too! In the sense he doesn't want to push you away, not in the sense that he thinks you're scary :P


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