
Why do i finish last and work so hard?!?

by Guest32643  |  earlier

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i go to a REALLY small school (126 students) and i play football. ive played as quarterback nosegaurd defensive end linebacker and cornerbqack but i have always been best at runningback.

let me just say this before i get "if you worked as hard as you say you do" as if im arrogant and cocky. i run a 4.8 40, 11.6 100m, squat 405, and bench 215. its not the greatest but at a small school like mine there arent too many options.

i worked ALL summer long on my strength and speed for football. i was in the weightroom everyday our coach had it open and lifted and ran on the days that he didnt. im not from the richest family on earth so my goal is to play football for a small college and hopefully get a full ride or at least my tuition paid.

im the second fastest and by far the strongest kid on the team. so because i thought ahead of high school football and knew i would have be strong to play runningback at the college level i began lifting religiously.

now the kid who is a "senior" (i am a junior) is playing runningback and the coach wants me as CENTER. so i ran, ALL summer EVERYDAY just to be put as center because of a kid who just walked on wanted to play. the coach even said at the end of last year that you had to at least make 2 paractices a week in the summer.

i made all 3 a week and sometimes if we just lifted i would go run after that and the days we werent practicing i would be out there running.

i need comforting please dont be a jerk.

im not sugar coding everything. i can understand the other kid playing runningback he is just a wee bit faster than i.

any stories to give me some inspiration to keep on going???

i am 5 6 and weigh 170 pounds




  1. Have you talked to your coach about this? Does he know how hard you've worked??

    Your school isn't the only place you can play football. There may be clubs , teams, or maybe just a group of friends that you can join and play after school on your own terms. You still have your experience and skill regardless of where your coach puts you... so put that too work in other places... when you go to college your college might have a football team...

    Sorry if this doesn't help much =/  

  2. Life is not easy as you think it is.  There will be a lot of competition out there.  Sounds like to me you are doing a great job!  Keep it up!  I would suggest that you explain to your coach(s) that you REALLY want to be a center, runningback or whatever and tell him you have been practicing hard and that you have been to every practice.  He should have a sense that you want to play in that position.

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