
Why do i freak out now when i smoke marijuana?

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ive smoked marijuana before and ive had all the good affects from it and i feel relaxed and happy. These last 2 times i smoked i had a total and complete panic attack. I will literally believe that i am going to die and i will loose touch from reality. I am now horrified to try pot again because i couldnt handle another one of these panic attacks. i would like to knoww what the problem with me is and how i could stop it




  1. Pot is kind of a stimulant. It's really weird. My brother had a horrible reaction to it after taking aderole. So if you started a new medication, that might be the reason. If you take any ADD medication or stimulants like aderole, DO NOT SMOKE POT. It damaged my brother's heart. I'm not joking.

    I have horrible reactions to pot also. My heart starts beating faster and I become severely paranoid. It was fun for a month until these effects started to happen.

    Overall, it is probably better to stop smoking.

  2. Yeah, marijuana causes panic attacks in some cases.

    Not a good thing, because it's not something that you can just snap your fingers and make go away.

    The best thing to do is just stop =)

  3. DONT SMOKE IT COME ON PEOPLE THOSE ARE TOXINS THEY SLOWING KILL YOUR BODY. this is a proven fact smoking mari 1nce can lead to death or brain damage 2wice same 3rd same except on the third it can take 20-30 years off of your life so think of this an average life span is 70 years 70 - 30= 40 years old now listen you wanna be dead at 40 when your kids may just be turning ten?

  4. most likely because youre not in a comfortable environment or some serious stress issues or something else purely psychological. thats what happened to me when i had some really bad stuff going on in my life. but it should blow over. until you figure it out just dont smoke as much. maybe youre smoking way too much at a time and its a sativa cuz if you smoke a lot of that and youre an inexperienced smoker you might have a really intense trip. and not know what to do with yourself.anyway. i hope you figure it out. it probably is  something stress related.

    peace and respect.

    p.s. whoever said weed is a stimulant needs to do research and is obviously lying about smoking weed... weed is a depressant. crack is a stimulant. pcp is a stimulant. meth is a stimulant... h**l redline energy drinks are stimulants. cannabis... thats a depressant

  5. just stop smoking pot.

    but about pot killing u...

    one of my teachers back way in the day

    told me pot has NEVER ((i repeat NEVER))

    killed anyone!!!

    and i ain't talking about the laced...

    laced can kill u dead, but not natural pot.

  6. The solution is simple- kick pot out of your life. You don't need pot to live, You live better without. Just please don't do pot.

  7. Oh my gosh me too!! the Last two times I totally spazzed out. I even posted a forum about it on here haha. I really don't know i'd like an answer for that too. I'm so scared that if I do it again and I start freaking out i'll end up killing myself. My entire body just like shakes like theres no tomorrow and I feel like i'm on acid or someting. I use to be able to smoke and relax no problem..but maybe its cause you can't handle the weed, thats what I think is my problem. Are you smoking with different people? It could be not being comfortable?

  8. The #1 way to avoid negative effects of pot is to stop smoking it. That's all I can say. There is no cure or counter drug for this other than to stop. Plus, this can get you into a lot of trouble.

  9. Wow when i was 17 I smoked pot and it was summer but for some reason I started freezing and my body was shaking uncontrollably too    that is too weird  

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