
Why do i get a bad taste in my mouth after i drink milk?

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Why do i get a bad taste in my mouth after i drink milk?




  1. kinda ferments on bacteria

  2. Probably because of the sugar- lactose.  As soon as the milk rests in the mouth any bacteria in the mouth or the milk will grow pretty fast.  

    It may be friendly flora but the sugar is probably the culprit.  

    Sort of like you are starting to make cheese in your mouth.  

    Try some of the filtered milks - they are better for drinking.

    Also for a baby you really should be giving them a drink of water after milk to rinse away the sugars.  Even if you don't see them tooth buds are under the gum.  People should never put a baby to bed with a bottle of milk.

  3. You probably just don't like it LOL. If not  this might help

  4. i really have no idea it happens to me too so i guess its normal

  5. May be u did not like milk or you have any stomach problem or after taking milk wash your mouth clearly  

  6. i dunno n it sure does smell bad too .. my mom used to FORCE to drink it wen i was very young .. n i still hate it !! :S

  7. I started noticing that happening when I was about 15. I will only drink certain brands of milk for this reason. I have asked other people if they notice anything and they do not. My sister drinks Hood and cannot detect a funny taste but I can when I tried hers. The only kind I buy these days is Guidas. The worst one I have ever tried was Cumberland Farms Mega brand milk. As I don't know where you are And if Guidas is available to you, You may just have to keep trying different brands.

    One time at the place i worked, I went for a glass of milk Knowing that the company I worked for was contracted with Guidas for their milk. As soon as I drank some I knew It was wrong and went to look at the container I'd poured i from. As it turned out, They ran out of milk and sent someone to a local grocery store to purchase milk until they could get it delivered the following day.  


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