
Why do i get a thumbs down or up for my answer? who rates me & why do i get thumbs down for a harmless answer?

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Why do i get a thumbs down or up for my answer? who rates me & why do i get thumbs down for a harmless answer?




  1. As stated earlier, it's the members of Yahoo! who do the rating. You'd think a site with an altruistic  mission wouldn't be underhanded, but like any community, there are always petty persons. It's such a well known behavior that there's even an official term for these people "troll".

    The thumbs down thing is kind of like honking the horn . Theoretically, there's a time when it has a use, but mostly is done for selfish reasons. There's even 1 "top contributor" who has hidden her(or his) profile so that you can't see just how much she(or he) has tried to manipulate rating and voting. But it really doesn't matter. The asker has the real power. If that person would decide the best answer on merit, then all the mean spirited stuff wouldn't matter. I don't  understand why the asker, who took the time to write the question, doesn't take the time to read and decide.

    The good news is, that unlike jerks in real life, you can always turn off the computer and they go away. But it is a shame that someone like you who makes the effort, just gets the trolls jealous. Sorry, for the long post.

  2. I only give thumbs down if the answer is really really off.  BUT I received thumbs down all the time from one particular dolt who simply dislikes me, so he doesn't even think twice about it.  I don't really care.

  3. Thumbs up or thumbs down are given by members of the YA community.  Some give a thumbs down to any answer they disagree with.

    I rarely give thumbs down.  Most generally I simply ignore the answers with which I disagree, or I read them and consider them as appropriate.  If I give a thumbs down it is usually for what I consider to be a question lacking in quality.

    If I believe it violates community standards I report the answer.

    Hope this helps.

  4. It is pretty stupid, isn't it. I can understand them being "awarded" to someone who puts an offensive or deliberately ridiculous answer, but to give someone a thumbs down simply because you don't agree is childish.

    We all sometimes get them, so don't worry though.

  5. We (the community) rate you, but alot of people seem to just like giving thumbs down for fun. I give thumbs down if I think the answer is offensive or if the person is just being blantantly biast and isn't giving a real opinion (you'll see what I mean). Alot of people can't look at a constructive viewpoint. It'd be like me giving the thumbs down to every answer that doesn't compliment Federer, I don't, but alot of people do. It kinda does suck tho.

  6. I got several dolts who give me thumbs down without even reading my answer (I bet). Hey, I'm pretty sure one of them even created multiple logins to give himself thumbs up and me thumbs down (just the quickness with which my 1 thumbs down became 5 on a few posts). But, that's how it is. And, some dolts might even tell you that they give thumbs down only if the persons answers is way off, but trust me they lie....because on 1 particular question eve though I praised the dolts fav player the dolt gave me a thumbs down and a minute later I see the dolts response below mine. So much for the thumbs down for disliking someone huh?

  7. people are going to have their opinions. It sucks because if too many people give you a thumbs down your comment is hidden on the page. For this reason, I do not do this because it removes the concept of everyone expressing their own opinion (unless it's just offensive or rediculous)

  8. I've wondered the same's these self-righteous people that think you're wrong just because your opinion is different than theirs.

  9. I often wonder why i get thumbs down for harmless answers too, just because I stated an opinion or go for my favorite player for example.  I don't know if that is allowed, but I just ignore it.

  10. I find that there are a lot of children on Yahoo Answers, and they can be very immature in rating other people's answers, regardless of how good or right the answer is, if it''s different from their own opinion than they will usually rate answers thumbs down.

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