
Why do i get all this level 70 racism in wow just because i dont have epic ge@r? They always kick me out!?

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I am a hunter level 70 and have re@lly nice blue gear except from 3 greens that are also excellent but i seem to get a lot of gear racism from some dumbheads who seem to believe that a whole raid can go wrong just because a d**n HUNTER has a little lower gear. I would understand it all if i was a tank but iam a d**n hunter and it makes no sense to me att all. I am supportive dps for christs sake! Why do they make such a big de@l that iam fully epic geared? Would like to hear what anyone who knows what iam talking about has to say. Thanks and sorry for writing too much.




  1. I believe that the word you're looking for is "Elitism" since the raid is kicking you out not because of your in-game or actual race... just because of your gear.

    You're not saying if they replaced you with someone who had full epic or if they just went one man short of the amount they were looking for.

    A lot of people take their raiding very seriously and if they had a choice between a guy not fully equipped for that level of combat and one who is, they'll take the guy who is.  

  2. It's just a game, get over yourself

  3. rofl go reroll no one wants a nub hunter in blues O_o if i was in your guild i'd kick you myself

    have a nice day :)

    by the way this has got to be one of the nerdiest questions i've ever seen

  4. I'm not sure what geATr is, but I'm pretty sure that level 70 isn't a race.

    Anyway, just get some better gear.

  5. That is kind of stupid, but it all depends on what you are running. If it's kara then it can still be an easy run with a low geared person, especially a hunter. If you're going forward into things like mag,gruuls,TK,SSC, and forward then yeah you won't be accepted to go. I did not go into TK which is where you get T5 gear before I was all purple. Green and blue just doesn't cut it. Try running some heroics and it'll really help you get some better gear. The last boss of a heroic run drops purple gear, the others drop their blue gear and maybe a gem.

    So do some heroics and do some upgrading because there are limits to how low your gear can be to do something. So if you want to raid past kara you will need to get purples. Hate to say it. Try finding a PUG kara group that'll take a low geared person and you are guaranteed to get epic's because most people already have what they need from kara especially if they are PUG. There first time I ran kara I was geared like you were and came out with 2 epics. :)

    Just keep it up. Don't let those kind of gamers bother ya.

  6. Cause most people who play wow are either asses or nerds with no lifes, not calling you either

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