
Why do i get annoyed so easily?

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i'm 14 years old and i don't really have anger problems, i dont need a counciler, but i get annoyed VERY VERY VERY easily. and when i get annoyed, i get pissed off, and when im pissed off i get mean & b!+chy and it's starting to annoy me, that i'm not very calm or laid back. the only time i dont get annoyed or pissy is when im high, and i cant spend my life at school high.

i really just wanna be like "whatever" about everything and calm, and worry free, and not let much bother me. but there is always some person/people that i just dont like, and cant stand them, and it annoys me, and i hate being angry and mean, but sometimes i dont know how to avoid being annoyed or pissed off so easy.

what should i do?

how can i be nicer & get annoyed less, and be calmer & laid back???

please help!!




  1. Ask yourself this: Am I happy?

    If you are not, you will feel unfulfilled, bored, irritable, angry, depressed...

    Some things that my make you feel unhappy:

    - feeling like you are not reaching your potential

    - not having goals to work towards

    - a poor relationship with your family

    - feeling out of shape or overweight

    - feeling like you got the short end of the stick, or that you have been treated unfairly

    - having unreasonable expectations for yourself

    - low self-esteem

    To get happier, find out what it is you really want, and go for it!

    Find out what might be the root of your dissatisfaction, and address it.

    Good luck.  Best Wishes. Hopefully you find what it is your are looking for.

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