
Why do i get bullied?

by Guest63397  |  earlier

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why do i get bullied when i have done nothing wrong to the other person ??? my mum says theyr'e jealous because i'm pretty and clever ( i'm not saying i am ) but i don't know ... can anyone help me ???




  1. Bullying is a product of one person who is insecure about themselves making another person insecure to feel better.  Bullying is a way of life.  Just ignoring the person doesnt help, but if you dont let them see it bothers you it should be resolved quickly.  A lot of times it is because the bully doesnt want people to make fun of them so they make fun of you.  If you get them alone to talk to them you may be able to resolve it.  If none of this helps go to an adult.  It isnt "tattlling" it is standing up for yourseelf.  Nothing is wrong with you it is the other person who cant express themsevles any other way.

  2. It is very true that people bully others because they have low self esteem about themselves and find it comforting when they make fun of people they wish they were more like. Is it the right thing to try as best as you can and ignore them (I know it is easier said than done). Kill them with kindness, don't sink to their level. Good luck!

  3. I think your mother is right. I have a wonderful daughter who was also bullied at school and I think it was because she is a popular person in school and is well liked. Bullies pick on other people because the other person has qualities which the bully does not have. Just be yourself and please always let your mother know what happens in school and never  blame yourself for the other person's   behaviour.  
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