
Why do i get charley horses in my legs?

by  |  earlier

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after i finish practice?

it hurts really bad

is there anyway to like prevent it?




  1. you need some potassium in your body make sure u eat banannas or take some potassium pills.

  2. some claim it's a calcium deficiency

    you can either:lie perfectly still & breathe through or you can walk

    on legs so it stops

    (I learned that in Yoga)

  3. You are not drinking enought water and becoming dehydrated

  4. Generally, charlie horses are due to calcium and magnesium deficiency.  Take a blood pressure device and put it around your leg calf (about mid-way).  Slowly pump up the pressure and at the first sign of a charlie horse, let the pressure out.  Do it again to verify that the pressure is the same when you felt the first charlie horse.  If you can't get the pressure to 240, you are deficient and most likely that is the cause.

    Just taking calcium pills will not solve this problem, typically.  There are over 7 co-factors that you must address to fix the problem.  The primary co-factor is the pH of your stomach from stomach acid.  Most people in the U.S. have low stomach acid due to the SAD diet.  (Standard American Diet).  If you take ANY antacids, this will make the problem worse, not better, in fact, it will make you more calcium deficient because in order to absorb the calcium, magnesium, and zinc in your body, you need to have an acid pH of about 1.5 to 3.0 in your stomach when digesting.  The absorption takes place just below the stomach and if the pH is not low enough, you won't absorb the calcium.  

    If you expect to get good calcium from Low Fat Milk for instance, you need to free yourself from the lies you have been told.  The calcium you get from pasteurized / homogenized milk is toxic to your body and will ultimately end up as bone spurs, cataracts, or kidney stones, etc.  

    I strongly suggest you seek out a Certified Nutritional Therapist that can help you identify the co-factors you may be lacking and also to recommend a good diet to solve your problem.  Doctors are not the people to see regarding nutritional deficiencies.

    Good luck to you.

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