
Why do i get frequent diarrhea in early morning?

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why i normally diarrhea in morning

first case:

The night before i sleep,i drink cold water or eat ice.and wake up with a terrible diarhae

second case:

After i eat a half boil egg in the early morning

i feel like farting and i go to toilet.

some time not only half boil egg,i cant drink beverage in early morning too like Milo and cereals.

i want to know if there is a remedy for it. or is it a symptom to some of my body weakness

because i am fully aware that when i was young,i have no problem eating half boiled after effect or what so ever, this started when i was age of 13




  1. Sounds like something you should talk to your doctor about.  It is probably just diet related but you need to start there.

  2. I too only get diarrhea when I wake up early, like days when I have classes. If I wake up after 9am, I am fine and don't get it. I went to the doctor and they tested my blood and stool and couldn't find anything so they just said its irritable bowel syndrome. All summer, while I got to sleep in I didn't have one case of it but now that school is back, I am back to having it. It doesn't matter if I eat, don't eat, they had me taking fiber, they had me stop on dairy products, nothing works. Just means I have to get up earlier to let it get over with, then after I do it and a half hour my stomach is fine.

  3. this is may be irritable bowl syndrome u show to gastro-enterologist.

  4. maybe you are nervous or excited about something?or maybe you aren't good with mornings like me lol but any who you should talk to your doctor

  5. You may have Chron's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis and you need a doctors Diagnosis and treatment.

  6. Another thing to check out is if you eat too much sugar free stuff, especially chewing gum. Artificial sweeteners can only make things worse.

  7. First, I want to emphasize that I am not a doctor and that these are my thoughts based on my own experience and knowledge. If you get diarhhea regularly, that is often a sign of a disease - you need to have a doctor check it.

    You said you sometimes eat ice. Let's talk about that first. Eating ice is a sign of iron deficiency. There is no iron in ice, but when people have low iron, they do crave ice.

    Do you often feel low on energy? Do you have any trouble concentrating? Do you ever feel short of breath with no reason? If your iron is low, you may feel this way. Iron is very important, because it is part of the hempglobin in our blood; it is how the oxygen we breathe gets from our lungs to all our body cells. When iron is low, you don't get enough oxygen. You need to have your iron level checked.

    Iron gets low for three main reasons:

    1. You don't eat enough iron-rich foods.

    2. Your body isn't able to absorb the iron you eat. Or

    3. You lose it from too much bleeding (from heavy menstruation, ulcers, colorectal problems, chronic wounds, etc.).

    #2 above can be caused by a few things. One of these is celiac disease (also called sprue). The reason I'm mentioning celiac disease is because diarrhea is a symptom of it as well.

    Celiac disease is an allergy to wheat gluten. Some people have obvious allergic reactions when they eat wheat products or related grains (rye, for example). The typical reaction is stomach pain or cramps and diarrhea. In the allergic reaction. the body's immune system attacks the small intestine. If the disease goes undiagnosed for years, the small intestine is so damaged that it loses its ability to abosorb nutrients, especially iron. Some people don't have any noticeable symptoms, so the damage can occur before they know they have celiac. Untreated celiac can also cause intestinal cancer, numbness in the hands and feet, and other things.

    Since you have the ice eating sign for low iron and the frequent diarhhea. you need to have blood tests for iron and for celiac/sprue. You may have something completely different or nothing at all. But please have it checked. The doctor may also want to do an endoscopy and colonoscopy to check for gastro-intestinal bleeding and intestinal tumors.

    Others have mentioned Crohn's Disease, ulcerative colitis, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), and these are all also possibilities for your symptoms.

    By the way, I don't think the diarrhea and gas (farting) are from what you eat in the morning. It sounds like it's something you develop overnight from what you ate the night before.

    Here is more information.

    For diarrhea:

    For iron-deficiency anemia:

    For celiac disease:


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