
Why do i get side aches every time i run?

by  |  earlier

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I have recently started to try running. After about 3-5 minutes of fast walking my side hurts so bad i have to stop and take a break before i can start running. Then after i start running i can only go for about 30 seconds before it comes back. What is causing this and is there anything that i can do to prevent this from happening? I drink plenty of water everyday and before i run.




  1. how young are you is also to be considered. lab test would show it you are ok. high uric acid is a cause of arthritis. consult a doctor first because ailment has no age boundary.

  2. You should do side stretches before you run and do not drink water before I get aches too if I drink before. Also do not go very fast starting out.

  3. you can probably stop it by breathing through your nose

  4. this usually happens on the right side it is due to the organs in your body which are attached to your diaphragm on the right side so it all gets bounced up and down and causes stitch. strenghtening the core muscles helps a great deal and like everyone is saying correct breathing is a must. deep breath in and blow out like you are blowing out a candle when it happens. slow down and press the affected area or bend slightly. This should correct it without you needing to stop. But core muscles must be worked on

  5. If you are eating before your workout, that may be a problem. Try to walk or run at least 3-4 hours after your last meal (unless its something like a power bar or something very easy to digest like fruit). Also, too much water right before the workout may cause a side ache as well.

  6. Water is great, but are you drinking too much water?  Breathing is a factor as well.

  7. This Is A Simple Problem That Happens To Everyone. All It Means Is That Your Not Breathing Properly. Try Breathing In Through Your Nose And Out Through Your Mouth.

  8. Yes, I have the same problem. I think it has to do with the way I breathe. I don't know hopefully someone else can give you a better answer.

  9. You aren't breathing correctly.

    Take a deep breath through your nose, and let it out through your mouth.

    Continue doing this while running.

  10. Your proabably getting side aches because you aren't breathing deep enough. Basically your diaghram isn't getting enough oxygen so you just need to get your breathing under control and take nice deep breaths.

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