
Why do i get so sexually excited so easily?

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Seriously... i get turned on by almost anything... even if a girl just whispers something in my ear...

how do i fix this?




  1. find a girlfriend who loves s*x ... then have s*x all the time .... your just sexually frustrated ..... after a while you will go back to normal

  2. How old are you? This could make a difference in getting advice, because if you're in your puberty years, it's quite natural and really nothing you need to fix.

    Being turned on at any age is a wonderful physical experience. It depends on what you do with that new found electric current that says something about who you are.

    If you're old enough to have a lover, be respectable. If you aren't old enough, be patient.

  3. i think ur body/mind need s*x satisfaction, u should spend some days holidays in pattya (thailand,s*x free country),do s*x a how much u can/with any one u want,than see is there is any difference in u... enjoy

  4. Mind over matter dude.

  5. Testosterone levels methinks. Heightened sexual awareness.

    There is a time & a place for everything. Focus on your life, career and future prospects until the time and place appear then go for it!

    Best wishes. UK

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