
Why do i go to bed feelin fine an wake up feelin horrible?

by  |  earlier

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  1. probably dont get enough sleep? i feel horrible when i dont. but when i do get alot of sleep i still feel horrible. when i wake up my eyes hurt and i have a headache and i feel all stuffed up, but it goes away in an hour.

  2. No one wants to get out of bed in the morning!!!

  3. Digestion or mentality?  Are you under stress or drinking too much?

  4. If it's an horrible ill feeling, it's because bacteria multiply so incredibly fast that you could go to bed with one nasty bacteria in your throat and wake up with a full blown sore throat teeming with millions of bacteria!

    Or maybe you are not sleeping well??

  5. You didn't give many details but it could be any of the following:

    Try not to eat at least 2 hours before going to bed.

    Stretch when you wake up.

    If you are an adult, try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. Be in bed by 10 or 11.

    Avoid tv and computer before bed.

    Check your bed for bed bugs, allergens, and dust.

    Vacuum and dust your room regularly.

    Sleep with the windows closed.

    Get an air purifier for your room.

    If you have allergies, clean your sinuses out before you go to bed with a nettipot or sinus cleanser.

    If you are tensing up at night, try relaxation exercises before bed

    Pray before bed.

    Avoid reading or watching tv or doing anything but sleeping in bed. You will get the best sleep this way by training your body that when you are in bed, you must sleep.

  6. Me too -   How do you wake up?  Is it with an alarm clock?  You probably need to be gently awakened - some nice gentle music or something...   When I go to sleep (which is in the daytime, because I work nights) I have a mug of cocoa, listen to a hypnotherapy c.d. and TRY to wake gently...   If someone bangs on the front door, I wake up horribly and it spoils the rest of the day...

  7. horrible as in aching or as in still tired?

    if you're still tired it could be you just need more sleep, or that something is bringing you out of your deep sleep phase (REM sleep) without you realising, any noises like noisy plumbing going on at night?

  8. Too much caffeine, alcohol, other substance? Depression? Carbon Monoxide? Mold? Worn out mattress? Uncomftorable mattress?  

    Combination of the above?

    Oh, I forgot to throw in alien abduction? Maybe they are kidnapping you at night and performing surgery on you then returning you to your bed just before you wake up.  

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