
Why do i have a dream that a giant crab is chasing me? does that mean its going to happen?

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ive been having this weird dream that a giant crab is chasing me...if you have any questions about it ill answer them




  1. uh okay for u idiots why would that make him g*y....i dream about killer teletubbies with sharp teeth red eye and razor claws like freddyy and they try to kill me and when they are about to i wake up i was told that its cuz stuffs on my mind that is gonnna change my life like im afraid of something in my life or im scared that things will change and bad things could happen these are from many pple idk i jus think its a dream and no it wont happen in real life

  2. Dude, you're g*y. Like superhero g*y. There isn't lightning in the background is there? Oh man...

  3. it's a crab chasin you?

    dude, it means you're g*y.  the crab wasn't wearin loafers, was it?   that's not good

  4. I'm not expert but maybe you're afriad of some issue in your life? maybe not afriad, but you certainely don't want to face it and you keep running off...

    Maybe that makes some sense :\ the crab is scary so maybe it's a big deal. I don't know what to make of crabs. xD

  5. Just hit the crab in its weakpoint for massive damage the next time you dream that.

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