
Why do i have extreme pain in my wrist? helpppppppppppppppp!?

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I'm on the tennis team and and ive been playing tennis for two hours everyday since i started about 3-4 weeks ago. 2 weeks into practice i had bad pain in my wrist. it's just my right hand which is the hand i hit with. it used to be it hurt whenever i played but now it hurts all the time. what is it and what should i do?

p.s. i'm wrapping it right now and icing it but that doesn't help, neither does Tylenol. i also wore a brace while playing but it made my swing horrible

help please!




  1. If it's hurting all the time, even when you're not playing, I'd go to the doctor and have it checked out.  It could be a sprained wrist.  W/E you do, do NOT play anymore tennis until you have it checked out; it could be tendonitis, which will get WORSE the more play.  Sadly the only cure for tendonitis is rest.

  2. When I was in HS, I played 1.5 hours a day and your wrist hurting could be from a variety of things. For example, if you have heavy top spin on the ball, your wrist takes a lot of the strain. Also, you might have the wrong racket for your style of play, which a private lesson with a coach might help you or make suggestions to you. As for your wrist wrapping it should help a little but, it sounds like you have a sprain because if it was broken or if it was tendinitis, you would probably have already been to the doctor because it would have been that unbearable.  

  3. i am sorry, but it could be tendonitis... or it can be some sort of a cyst if u have a lump in there..

    get it checked out...

    hope u are better soon!

  4. If you swing with your wrist like flick it instead of your arm, you can really hurt it. If that is what you are doing try to stop. Your gonna have to keep wrapping it and icing it. This happened to my coach when he was younger he injured it and has to wrap it every time he plays.

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