i dont eat close to bedtime, i dont watch anything scary, no medications, nothing like that. i do have anxiety, yes. my dreams are sometimes about zombies, or vampires, or some creature my mind makes up. my nightmares are so vivid and real that i swear i could write the most amazing horror novel on earth. people are being bitten, shot, blown up, anything and everything you could imagine. i see first hand blood guts and gore. i dont ever want to wake from my nightmares. i always do wake up for about ten minutes but im not ever 'fully' awake. i can almost always remember every detail about the dream, down to the sounds and textures and colors... i can remember the voices and everything. i started having them maybe a year or two ago, but they were once a week or once a month. it has now become almost every night if not every night that im having these horrible nightmares. im only 16 too... ive done alot of reading about nightmares, but most that are about drowning or simple fears.