
Why do i have reacurring nightmares of supernatural-like beings and objects hurting me, families and the world

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i dont eat close to bedtime, i dont watch anything scary, no medications, nothing like that. i do have anxiety, yes. my dreams are sometimes about zombies, or vampires, or some creature my mind makes up. my nightmares are so vivid and real that i swear i could write the most amazing horror novel on earth. people are being bitten, shot, blown up, anything and everything you could imagine. i see first hand blood guts and gore. i dont ever want to wake from my nightmares. i always do wake up for about ten minutes but im not ever 'fully' awake. i can almost always remember every detail about the dream, down to the sounds and textures and colors... i can remember the voices and everything. i started having them maybe a year or two ago, but they were once a week or once a month. it has now become almost every night if not every night that im having these horrible nightmares. im only 16 too... ive done alot of reading about nightmares, but most that are about drowning or simple fears.




  1. Probably sounds like a strange question, but do you get unexplained headaches and sometimes feel sick. Also do you feel down sometimes for no apparent reason? If so would you e mail me?

  2. Pray before going to bed. Pray asking Jesus Christ to protect you and your family and ask him to cleanse your dreams. you can also pray asking Jesus Christ why this is happening. Also stop reading those nightmare books because that could actually be the reason why this is happening.

  3. I have had the same thing for years. I'm not afraid of monsters or anything during the day, but at night, they all come out. It's typical for people like us who like control and have high anxiety.

    In the daytime you suppress a lot of problems and stress, and the stress takes form as these "monsters" and blood and guts. It kind of is a release because you never feel the true burden of your stress until you're unconscious. I wouldn't worry about it, as I just dreamed lately that dinosaurs enslaved humanity and ate 90 percent of us. If I go crazy in my dreams that means I can function the rest of the day. Turn it positive, and try to write a short story based on these dreams. It makes light of your stress and anxiety.

  4. These dreams are no doubt driven by anxieties and stress.

    They are 'vivid' and thus stick - quite real in real time and in recollection.  Your semi-waking state for 'about ten minutes' implies a lucid form of dreaming - you may actually be manipulating the dreams to some degree.

    Your mind is quite creative - it works as a pallet, brush and canvas to create bizarre and horrifying images - all no doubt exaggerations of rational concerns.  The issue with that may be that rational concerns are not being addressed.

    This may also be aggravated by some hyper-activity in your mind during sleep - you have covered the typical causes well but there could be more to it.  You may wish to talk to your doctor about it just to see if some mild medication may help if it is really disturbing your rest.  It is easy to get into a vicious pattern of this kind of dreaming and having sleep disturbances - and the thing feeds on itself even though you consciously do 'all the right things' to relax and get rest.

    Look back over the period of time to when these first showed up - did anything major change in your life that may have created subconsciously embedded anxieties?  Has that intensified, or has your mind gradually become more burdened with other things and gotten more active in the manner you describe, bringing more frequent episodes of these dreams?

    You will have to look inside and determine such things, but they are suggested.  Academics, concern for family or personal finances, relationship - anything like these can help cause such dreams.  The theme suggests some change that leaves you feeling that you and others are vulnerable to attack or harm - and think of all that has gone since the dreadful attack on our country (assuming you are American) in 2001.  

    Think these things over - perhaps they can help shed light and you may be able to put these dreams aside finally.

    All the best to you.

  5. I usually have nightmares when i sleep in a bad position or with my hands on the chest.

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