
Why do i have such bad luck with guys?

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I know this question is a little cliche but like, there's this kid that i really like and he's in my spanish class and i see him everywhere. he actually told me he liked me but then he likes another girl more and he doesn't want to start with my because he wants all his heart to be there and stuff. we stopped talking on saturday and it's not wednesday and yesterday night he texted me saying that i have problems and need to see a doctor and i was like thanks for the hint and i was being sarcastic because i did nothing wrong. then today in spanish he kept saying hi carlee extremely loud and i ignored him and then i finally said hi but then he kept whispering my name since he sits right behind me and stuff but i was ignoring him. i told him i dont like him anymore and he said sure its whatever. then he told his best girl friend who talks to me that he was mad i dont like him... i'm 15 in 10th grade.




  1. sounds like a douche to me i wldnt get too worked up about it its not ur fault hes immature  

  2. wow that's a problem find a other guy if he is like that i know you like him if you don't want to get other guy go back to him its all a like a compettetion too girls like him one wins you got to beet that otha girl too him!

  3. this guy sounds like a jerk and you should just stay away from him. you are better off without people like that.

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