
Why do i have these REALLY weird dreams?

by  |  earlier

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like yesterday i got 2 dreams,one about going to the 3D movir of burning up and then going to there concert with front row seats,then a other dream where my school becomes a private/boarding school and all my friends are there and its really weird and now.......




  1. its totally normal..its just the last thing u think about probably before u sleep...and it just reflects images in ur head which create a dream..its just imagination and stuff u think about alot...i have soooooooooooooooooo many weird dreams like that...its normal..



    take care...

  2. You are up set about something in your life and that why you are having those dreams

  3. It's probably because you have been thinking about the Jonas Brothers/Camp Rock recently.  And, as others have said, the other dreams just happen sometimes.  Have a fun time with your active imagination!

  4. Well I love the first one I LOVE CAMP ROCK!!

  5. lol. dreams are normal. theyre the result of an overactive mind and imagination.

    maybe youve just got a lot of stuff up there right now ^_^


  6. Read Freud's "Interpretation of Dreams."

    At the same time, understand that the interpretation of dreams is mostly nonsense.

    That said, it's still fun to try to remember your dreams and analyze them - it's very thought-provoking and fertile for the imagination.

  7. cuz u cool like dat just like me

    but those arnt that weird

  8. those things happen sometimes

  9. About The concert- Maybe you want some excitement in your life, or you already have enoguh of excitement, either one.

    Jonas Brothers- I can tell your really inlove with them? Maybe thats why. HAve you been thinking about them lateyl, whatching camp rock, their music, etc? IF so, this would be a good explination why the singers are in your dreams!

    About swim class- Maybe you miss your friends/the people in the swim class. SInce its summer, maybe your getting hot [over heated] and you want to swim. This could mean in your own pool if you had one, or just going down to hangout with your friends at t he community pool!

    And your dreams feel real because you are free, and your brain is still working. So, maybe your brain, and your unconcious you met the jonas brothers!

    :) hope it helped!


  10. you may just love jonas bro

  11. Sounds like you are just very imagintive but haveing 3 or 4 dreams in one night you are not getting into REM where you can really connect with your subconcious you just want to sit in the front rows in concerts and go to boarding school and have a new Ipod and stuff like that

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