
Why do i have these nightmares?

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why do i have nightmares every night?

i have nightmares of my dad beating my sister up or sumtimes i have nightmares of me getting raped and etc i have no clue wat to do about scared to go to sleep....

so is there a way not to have nightmares?




  1. you cant "stop" nightmares from happening. dreams have a connection to our unconcious thoughts or you cant get rid of those dreams until you get right with it mentallly. maybe those are unconcious fears of yours.

  2. i dont know.

  3. Well sometimes your dreams happen in real life! Wacth out!!

  4. find out what the dreams mean

    go to a shrink or something and tell him/her about it

    and then just let them do all the thinking

    or just get someone smart to do that like a english lit teacher or better yet a psych teacher

  5. When you resolve your inner anxieties and fears surrounding loss of control, loss of safety/security, and pain, then you will begin to sleep better.

    Not until.

    This is how the human brain functions. Negative energy patterns must be drained out. Medications only temporarily lull you into improvement. You must reduce your negative emotional state.

    Try Novanetics  (google it)

  6. Depends on your daily thoughts and happenings...

    Try watching TV or listening to music every night before sleep...or try reading in bed as well..

  7. It must've been something in your past that's unresolved or a dark, vengeful spirit must be bothering you. Visit a thearapist or a psychic.

  8. Nightmares are your subconscious thoughts, so maybe there's something about these incidents in your mind. Do you like your dad? Is he abusive? This might be the reason why thoughts of him hurting your sister are creeping into your dreams. As for dreaming of being raped, have you had a bad/ forced sexual experience before? Or are you in constant fear during the day that something like that might happen to you? What you can maybe try to do, is at least an hour before bed, just get your mind off things- listen to pleasant music you like, play a fun game, read an interesting book or just think about your boyfriend, or your crush if you have one. Just let the moments before bed be pleasant, t.v. free minutes (because a lot of these horrible images are fed to us by the t.v.) then I'm sure you'll have yourself a restful sleep.

  9. go to a psychic

  10. Do not go to sleep. lol

  11. I've had nightmares my whole life too. I find sometimes it helps to be in a calm mood before sleep. Don't watch scary movies, or anything that upsets you. Also, you should think about why your having these dreams. I always see someone coming into my room at night, because thats my biggest fear.

  12. I Hope I Can help you. Ok usually it's your deepest fears in your heart mind maybe sometimes things that might happen in the future. you must go to sleep remember your dream write it in a journal and one day you will know why this dream is acuring i also have had dreams like this but also difrent msg me so you can tell me more some times.

    ps you can control your dreams you can overcome it:) God Bless &



  13. have u experienced anything like dis? maybe u dnt trust ur dad in a way. and maybe u keep thinking bout rape. idk. try looking it up in books and the internet bout wut ur dreams means

  14. Well the obvious answer is dont sleep but that is just retarded.

    Try getting closure to why this is happening maybe something

    You experienced when you were young and it keeps haunting you.

  15. your crazy go talk to a shrink.

  16. see a therapist?

  17. OK! You don't say how old you are but judging from your ? i'm guessing 12 to 16. My apologies if i'm wrong! Are you from a Very strict religious family? Sexually inexperienced? Your nightmares may stem from guilty feelings of your emerging sexuality. Many very strict religions promote sexuality as wrong or immoral. Your subconcious mind takes control when you fall asleep. If you feel guilty about what you deem to be lewd immoral thoughts about someone during the day or that secret sexual fantasy of  a s**y vampire or pirate(or whatever turns you on) or that sneak peak of that Playgirl Mag. in the bookstore then you may be punishing yourself subconciously in your dreams. By being raped you are "getting what you deserve,because you brought it on yourself!"  Women have been told this for centuries and made to feel guilty for a brutal attack caused not by what she wore or how she acted but by some males lack of self control or sexual issues that had nothing to do with her! Why is your father beating your sister in your dreams? What is her offense that she recieves punishment for? Is it sexually related at all? Was she or is she sexually active and your father greatly disapproves. Or do you disapprove and believe she deserves to be punished for it? Since I don't know your situation this is just supposition that you may be experiencing a side effect of sexual repression (especially if you are a scorpio!!) Even if it is not sexually related, you are feeling guilty about something and punishing yourself all night with your dream time. If it is sexual then stop feeling guilty. Practiced safely between concenting adults, it is as natural and necessary as eating sleeping and playing to our overall health. Try going to sleep and having a good fantasy instead of a nightmare of domination!

    Sweet Dreams!


  18. i went through abuse and have nightmares.i have been to therapy and do believe it helps.i was told that they,the nightmares, lessen with time,with therapy.i know they are horrible and i use to be terrified to go to sleep too.but if something is stressing me out ,i noticed it made it worse.therapy if it is that bad already would probably be a place to start.good luck!!

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