
Why do i have this really bad lower abdominal pain?

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I have this horrible pain in my lower abdomen. it feels worse when I bend down. I finished my period about 3 days ago, so I dont think its cramps. and i think its too painful to be cramps anyway! i'm 13 years old i'm worried. my mom took me to the E.R twice in 2 months because of stomach pain (it wasnt this bad) and they said it was PROBABLY appendicitis (they werent sure) but what could this be?? and my parents aren't home so they cant take me to the hospital right now. help i'm scared!! :(




  1. You need to call 911.

  2. If it gets really bad, call 911.  I don't think most areas charge you for ambulance service unless they transport you to the hospital, and if they have to transport you, that means something's really wrong and it's a good thing you called.

  3. You need to call your mom, hon. If it is an appendicitis, it could be dangerous if it ruptures. If they still don't know, then your parents need to ask to be referred to a specialist. You are in what sounds like severe pain and someone needs to find out for certain what is causing it.  

  4. you have to go now. its your appendics. it happened to me a couple months ago. i had unbearable pain. and went to the emergency hospital. you should go now before it gets worse. im 15 so it so it should be normal

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