
Why do i have to go to lanzarote?

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my family booked a holiday to algarve in portugal but changed it to lanzarote.i looked on the web and it showed a horrible rocky built up island with black sand!!!!im so worried becasue i dont want to upset my mum but it look so horrible-anyone been? what is it like? could i survive there for a week?






  1. also known as the windy isle,and it can be windy,but its not a bad place at all,we stopped on our cruise last year for the day,and did fire mountain and the camel ride was great, look at it this way,theres folks that can ill afford holidays,so if i was you id be a bit more grateful.

  2. Is very fantastic!!!!

    BoH! :9 I'dn't know, i like europe and i live in italy!!! This state is very fantastic...

  3. Seriously, give it a chance. Lanzarote is not that bad. Some parts are not built up at all. The sand is grey because of the type of shells and volcanic rock it is made up from, once you look at it up close you will see it is still just plain sand and no big deal. It doesn't feel, smell or whatever else any different than any other colour of sand.

  4. You'll love it. They even have flushing toilets.

  5. What a spoilt brat you are. I hope it rains on you throughout the holiday.

  6. Selfish child.

  7. i went when i was a little kid lol, i remember there being cockroaches, but its not that bad, a holiday is what you make it. Wouldnt worry too much, could think of worse places to be =]

  8. I know several people who have been several times and love it there......

  9. maybe your dissapointment is clowding your view on things!

    lanzarote cannot be known/appreciated just by seeing a few pic`s!

    bet you enjoy your hol` more than you think!

    how do you `know` you`d enjoy the algarve?

    thousands of others would be only too pleased for the opportunity!

    enjoy pet-it`s a `experience` ok.

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