
Why do i have to sign in name & password every time i log in even though box is ticked for two weeks

by  |  earlier

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Why do i have to sign in name & password every time i log in even though box is ticked for two weeks




  1. idk wat ur talking about

  2. use mozilla firefox.

    and if you delete youre cookies youre browser wont remebr.

  3. Because, another person using the same computer could sign in, which would get rid of the sign in for two weeks.

    If not, then I don't know, sorry.

  4. That happened to me too. Don't know how I solve it.

    Use Sxipper to remember your password every time, you will be auto logged on after 2 weeks too.

    DOWNLOAD Sxipper:

    Remembers your every password.

    With Mozilla Firefox. That's the best!

  5. You might have someone signing you out to sign in to their account.  If anyone else uses your computer i would talk to them.  

  6. its because yahoo found out you post in the wrong section

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