
Why do i have to **** things up? think i'm going to lose him!?

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i feel so stupid. i felt really depressed and this lad who i have spoke to for months now, over a year infact, he spoke to me to see if i was okay and i had a really good chat with him, really cheered me up but now he is texting asking to meet up for a drink.

i feel like a t**t cos i said yes but if my ex finds out, he'll never speak to me again! if i do see my friend, he'll tell his mates who know my ex.

i'm so in love with my ex still and i'll lose his friendship if he finds out i was speaking to this lad :(

everything just keeps getting worse!




  1. ex's are ex's for a reason

  2. try to have a nice conversation with him

  3. telling the truth with love is your best bet , not doing so is just manipulation and no relationship ever lasted or was worth having when the truth came out remember what is done in the dark will come to light and your word is all you have in this world to stand on when all else fails no matter what god can help if you keep it in the light so be honest and trust all thing work for the good when you put god first and being honest is the true source of light  that the lord can shine his grace ,mercy and love , good luck and be blessed  

  4. Aww, I'm sorry to hear this.

    If your in love with your ex, ask your friend who is going for a drink for advice, maybe he'll tell your ex what you mentioned.

    It will be the complete oppisite of what you think.

    I hope this helped.

    Also I agree with person above, honestly is the key to true friendship, tell him your problem and tell him this.

    He's in for something heart warming.

    Good Luck Hun.

  5. There's a reason why people from your past don't make it to your future.  If your Ex finds out who cares???  If he doesn't speak to you again who cares?  Are you going to let someone from your past control and manipulate you emotionally?  You need to snip the umbilical cord with your Ex and move on......there are obviously people out there who find you interesting and want to spent some time with you.  Every day you put your life on hold, and spend it convincing yourself you are still in love with someone who no longer wants you, you are wasting a day you never get back!  

    It's a great big interesting world out there!  Find a new group of friends and find yourself a nice new guy and put your ex where he belongs!.... in your past!

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