
Why do i keep crying to sad songs?

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wen i hear a sad song i start to think and cry..haha..i mite be going emo and dont kno it..idkk but can u please help me




  1. you probably have a lot of bottled-up emotions

    maybe you have a lot on your mind

    or certain problems that are troubling you

    the reason you cry to the sad songs is because you relate to them which means something, probably words in the song, describe something that you are going through right now or something you have gone through before - something that is causing you a lot of pain or something that has previously caused you pain

    the action of crying is your emotional response to your personal connection between sadness and the song

    it is a normal response and i wouldn't get too worried if you are otherwise an upbeat person

    if you are consistently feeling this way, you may have an underlying issue like depression or anxiety. in that case, your best bet would be to tell a trusted adult and get help. medication and therapy can help that sort of thing a lot.

  2. its normal d/w  

  3. ur not EMO...ur friggin' humam dude.....u have a heart...therefore u have emotions...lmao...its completely don't worry..i think its adorable aniwaiiz...;)

  4. It's not emo and there's nothing wrong with you. Music can be a very powerful thing, and it often causes people to get emotional. It just means that you have a deep connection with music, so it might make you a little more emotional than some people. I'm the same way, so I understand! It's a good thing, because it means you're capable of experiencing strong emotions. :)

  5. you are so sensitive and emotional person...  

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