I cant live like this! i seriously can't stand getting a cold sore, as a 16 year old male its humiliating letting everyone know that i have herpes :(....(but im still glad i don't have genital herpes!)i don't know what to do anymore, i keep putting off hanging out with my girlfriend and friends because i always have a cold sore! I'm always afraid of plaguing my girlfriend with this. I went fishing a couple weeks ago and got one when i woke up in the morning from that (i guess). The past couple days i just sat at home and didn't really do anything, i was just sitting here on my computer and then i feel a bump forming on my lip about 10 minutes ago! What causes cold sores?? How can i deal with them?? Is there ANYTHING out there that helps get rip of them quick (or even for good!) I've been getting very depressed over this :( please help me!