
Why do i keep getting mouth ulcers and how do i get rid of them?

by  |  earlier

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I eat plenty of fresh veg and fruit.

I do not get stressed out.

Any advice greatfully received




  1. Try using a mouthwash to get rid of them, a good one is Corsodyl as it's meant to treat gum disease, ulcers and other things. It's often recommended by dentists. Although it's best to use it only when you have ulcers and then use a normal one for every day use. Vitamin C will help as it will boost your immune system. Try not to eat anything too sugary as well. I seem to have a lot at the moment for some reason.

  2. It can be a sign of being run down. In my case it was a sign of pernicious anaemia, so it may be worth getting a check up with your GP.


  4. I get them after eating tomatoes, so you may be sensitive to something you eat.

  5. I used to suffer from these for about 15 years, my son also as it seems to be Hereditary . I bought a pot of Holland and Barretts pure coconut oil (£10) as its anti bacterial, anti fungal, etc, etc, and since putting that on them they are normally gone in a couple of days, it also seems to work for my son.

  6. hmmm try eating some protein too. It may be that you are eating too much acidic things or something in your diet isn't right. Usually ulcers are a result of stomach acids in your stomach acting up adn not eating the right foods.  Try to change up your diet a bit and avoid taking any med on an empty stomach or eating acidic foods.

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