
Why do i keep getting phone calls from the state police wanting donations?

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correct me if i'm wrong but i thought police departments are paid by the government. So why the h**l do they keep calling me wanting donations? Don't they get paid enough money? And if not why the h**l don't they call there local government agency?




  1. they just want money, don't do it

  2. It's probably a scam.....

  3. I got those calls too and wondered the same thing,I told themI don't buy or give anything to anyone over the phone,I agree with the first answer,they are probably scams.

  4. This is a pretty common scam.  They know a lot of people are very supportive of law enforcement, so they request donations on behalf of the police.  Most real police forces would never solicit funds in this way.

  5. No legitimate police agency or association solicits donations over the phone. Report it to your police department.

  6. They're fundraisers for the local PAL (police athletic league) or something similar.... They play on people's support of the PDs and typically return maybe 5 to 10% of the funds to the local agencies.

    Tell them to put you on their DO NOT CALL list.

    CAlif Deputy

  7. Not sure where you are located, but in 99% of the places, it is not the police actually calling you, but groups that support the police.  In a lot of cases, police actually see very little of the money donated, like less than 10%

    As for if they are paid enough money, it depends on the location and your point of view.  Some places pay a decent wage while others pay really crappy.  What is it worth to you to know you are protected by a professional law officer on Xmas at 3AM while you are safe and sound asleep?

  8. It's not the state police calling, it's an agency called the "FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE";  they are a pain in the ***.  I've been in Law Enfocement for 17 years and they call me to donate.

  9. The state police never call for donations.  The persons calling you are either frauds or members of a police association (lobbying or fraternal group) which is separate from the state police department.

  10. Because they are NOT police.  They are frauds.

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