
Why do i keep having dreams of cheating on my gf?

by  |  earlier

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like i always have a dream of cheating on her and i wake up depressed or sad and i would never cheat on her

why does this happen

she always tells me she dreams good things about me a lot of the times and i tell her the truth that im dreaming this..




  1. its your mind dude, ure probably thinking about your relationship alot

  2. It doesn't necessarily means you want to cheat on her or wanting something new. Your dream could be just a reflection of your insecurity. Maybe you are afraid you might do something wrong or something will happen that you might lose her. If this is the case, just tell her your deep emotional feeling but in a way that it's a promise rather than as an angst. Like tell her, that you don't want anyone else but her. Tell her how much she means to you and all her good quality. Tell her she's beautiful, and make her feel that way or much more. Just don't be smothering her, though.

  3. thats sucks dude maybe your bored of the realashionship ?

  4. You have dreams of cheating on your GF because you have doubts about your relationship, maybe even subconsciously which means you aren't even aware of it so it creeps through your dreams.

  5. I had a dream last night.... I was cheating on my boyfriend, and lying to him alot.

    Which, I'd never do.. ever

    I guess we dream about these things because we really love who we're with, and you feel miserable after doing it in your dream....which means you will probably feel MORE miserable if it happened in reality..

  6. The truth isn't always a good thing.  She doesn't need to know that you are dreaming about other women.  From your photo, you seem to be young.  It is natural to want to bang everything in sight (simply male human instinct).  That you love her and would not cheat on her is what matters.  If the dreams were particularly good, use them as fantasies when you are with her.  And quit friggin telling her about the dreams or you'll start to make her neurotic and s***w up the relationship.  Peace.

  7. Men and women dream about very different things and are more satisfied with different things. Because you are dreaming of cheating on her, there is something in the relationship or in your life that you are feeling guilty about or that you are not satisfied with right now . You may want your life or the relationship to be on a more exciting level sexually and it is becoming obvious in your dreams.

    On the other hand, you may feel that she has betrayed you somehow.

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