
Why do i keep having good dreams about people i hate?

by  |  earlier

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Like i will have good dreams about going on the perfect date with girls that are long gone and over in my life....what do you think this means?




  1. It could be your conscience?


    Maybe at one point you felt bad about letting this one person go.and your dreams are just picking up on those feelings?

    If you hate them, it stick to you

    It's the same with a crush.

    When I meet someone I really like, I think about them A LOT. Those thoughts transform into your dreams. Remember: hate is just as strong as love.

    If you hate someone, you might just be thinking about them as much as you think about someone you love.

    No worries, these dreams don't mean that you still have feelings for these women, it's just a way of your mind using your memory.  

  2. maybe someone is  trying to tell you not to hate, that you will be much happier without the hate.

  3. that u dont really hate them after all

    this is kinda like me

    i fought with my friend and we were arguing

    and he decided he was pissed and wanted to fight me literally (i really didnt want to)

    so yeah i kind of beat the **** OUT OF HIM

    but i kinda miss him

    and sometimes i have dreams of me and him hanging out and having fun and ****...

    sigh... good times lol

  4. You hate her? Your dream tells you don't.

    No need to act on it but you do need to realize you do not hate her.

  5. Maybe you are trying to figure out what went wrong - your subconsciousness has given you a prompting. You are unconsciously

    trying to put something behind you that isn't really finished. So if you have found out the lessons behind each of your past relationship you would be ready to move on to new ones without making the same mistakes and have better experiences by changing your style. Could be communicating or either listening skills. Pay attention to what your dream is trying to tell you.

  6. you hate your exes? if you made amends, you wouldn't dream about them. your mind either wants to make amends or you just should.

    if you had great dates with those girls before, your mind is reminding u of what you like.

  7. because it's life and the more you hate someone the more it sticks in your head... i have these problems too.

  8. I was told by a therapist that you need to consider the feelings and emotions in the dream and not so much the content. She said when you start looking at the feelings you experience during the dream then you are getting an idea where your subconcious thoughts are. If you do this regulary then you really start to see the patterns in your dreams reflecting how you are feeling in life at the time.

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