
Why do i keep having this dream???????????

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I quit smoking like one month ago, and EVERYDAY i dream that i am smoking with love, !!!!

I know i am not sleepwalking and having a ciggy, because i dont have any at home now, but these dreams are killing me!

I am not really convinced to stop smoking, but due to some reasons i did, but i want to get rid of these heart breaking dreams!

Should i start a new bad habit?




  1. Well done Ghannouge !  One bad habit down & now we can work on the others !

    See me later in my consulting rooms ...

  2. Yeah Crack!!!

  3. Congratulations (mabroooook).... and  to "start a new bad habit"... not a good idea!

  4. first of all congratulations on quitting smoking.

    Accept these dreams, they are part of your withdrawal symptoms, nicotine is addictive, your unconcious is still craving it, they will go when your body stops asking for it.

    " Should I start a new bad habit?"

    why? you only had one? Mwahahahahaha

  5. Proud of you ya ghanougnog, Is this ur way to tell us that u quit smoking!!!

    And what is the new bad habit?? I want to know ;) :P

  6. If the urges get to strong later on, look at something called nicacure, all herbs patch with no nicotene in it.

  7. mabroooook on quiting! it takes a storng person to break an addiction so bravo 3leiki! What is goin on with u now is withdrawal symptoms, ur body's way of telling u it wants and needs that nicotene that u are addicted too. the best thing would be to pray before bed, i heard if u read Ayat el Kursi before u sleep u wont have dreams that bother u, it worked for me i had CREEEPPY dreams and now i can sleep much better

    starting a new habit could be a good thing but not a BAD habit!! i know a girl who quit smoking and then started just chewing gum 24/7. i guess a new habit to keep u busy could work but dont do another bad habit it wouldnt be good for urhealth or anything

  8. I had them too, they go away.

  9. Subconscious dreams !! Our psychology professor used to say that if you want to quit smoking, substitute it with some thing else. Like whenever u feel like having a cigarette, you can have a cup of coffee. Make sure that it does not develop into an addiction. Just condition yourself to something else instead. That way, you will not dream about it anymore since consciously (in reality) you overcame the problem.

  10. BRAVO


    I don't think you can start a new bad habit, you already have them all


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