
Why do i keep hearing about the effects of global warming getting worse?

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It seems as though global warming is getting worse, even though according to all four major global temperature tracking outlets (Hadley, NASA's GISS, UAH, RSS) over the past year, global temperatures have dropped between 0.65C and 0.75C.

Thats enough to wipe out most of the warming recorded over the past 100 years. For all four sources, it's the single fastest temperature change ever recorded, either up or down.

The anecdotal evidence for a cooling planet has become undeniable as well. China has its coldest winter in 100 years. Baghdad sees its first snow in ALL recorded history. North America has the most snow cover in 50 years, etc.

So my real question is HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?

Is the media blowing global warming out of proportion? Are they simply ignoring this new data? Am I completely mistaken?

This is where I found my information. I have also heard about it from other sources.




  1. The believers have to maintain the story line.  Clearly there is no connection between temperatures and co2.  Never forget how much money is involved with this junk science.  

    Nothing the believers have told us has ever come true.  Not the hurricanes, not the melting of the ice caps, not the thawing of the permafrost, not the rising of the ocean levels, not the demise of the polar bears.

    The recent vocal outbursts are designed to keep the public alarmed and their opponents on the ropes, and off guard.

    We can see from their own data that we're only sightly above average after being below average for 130 years.

    Global warming is the biggest scam perpetrated on humanity since the Germans adopted Eugenics.  The action needs to be the same.  Pseudo sciences need to be stopped before they cause the same harm to humanity as Eugenics did.

  2. This is a common mistake.

    I read someone's complaint that since the ice floes in the North Pole have returned that all the noise about a Million Square Miles more being lost was all noise.

    The author confused "seasons" which continue four times a year and the long term trend to increasing temperature.

    Now, you can see if you agree with the above.

    Do you think the amount of ice floes lost in the summer, in the North Pole will be the same, more or less, next year?

    If you think "MORE" you are right.

    This also illustrates the "accelerating Global Warming".

    The more ice floes that are missing,

    the greater the water temperature in the summer; in June 2007, a British swimmer dove into North Pole water for 19 minutes while wearing only Speedo trunks, head cap and glasses.

    Next summer, when more than a million square miles of floes are missing, the water "Northwest Passage" route Atlantic to Pacific will also re open, for the second time.

    This time, the route will open earlier and stay open longer.

    By 2010, we may see excursion trips available to tourists and, commercial shipping in later years .

    Compare this with the Franklin Expedition in 1845 which lead to the freezing death of all 129 crew members while looking for the Northwest Passage.

    The White Polar Bear may be extinct by then, possibly even before the EPA declares it to be in the Endangered Species List.

    Most expect the next President to appoint someone to head the EPA that will include the White Polar Bear, in 2009, the bear, somehow, is not waiting or impressed.

  3. coz its actually getting worst

  4. one year is not a trend. of course, you may say that about previously noted 'hot years'... and i would agree. recent cooling can be attributed to la nina, which would not be expected to last more than a couple of years. so get back to us in 5 years or so, we'll know if this was a blip or not. i'm betting it's a blip.

  5. "Thats enough to wipe out most of the warming recorded over the past 100 years."  Actually, no.  

    The ongoing temperature trend since 1880 has been upward.  2007 was a blip on the statistical chart.  You could look here if you're interested in the statistics:

    Global warming causes *climate change.*  And yes, a warming planet can result in some regions experiencing extreme cold.  You could do a little research to find out why.

  6. We must understand we have never seen what is now happening before. CO2 has never lead to temperature change, but temperature change has led to increases in CO2. The models have to be made as we go along with current evidence! But again adding a small amount of CO2 to the atmosphere enlarges the earths sun collection causing warming; increase water in the atmosphere and it forms clouds cooling earth but sometimes causing flooding. Even natural events are warming earth and causing destruction. The sun has an increased magnetic field causing increases in earthquakes (more destruction), volcanoes (wow, great destruction), and sun spots. Lighting produces ozone near the surface (raising air pollution levels).

  7. Watch the inconvinient truth

  8. The "science" the global warming crowd have been using to sell their theories is rapidly falling apart.  They need to resort to pure fear tactics to keep people interested.

  9. I've got some land to sell you in the Florida mountains.

    If you think GW is real, then your dumb enough to believe this also.

    The emperors new clothes are the same from all angles.

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