
Why do i keep losing so much weight?

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i eat fatty stuff

but lately i've been losing so much idk if its healthy or not

for a 14 year old




  1. Please see my answer below

  2. You have a high metabolism.  You're lucky.  But, believe me, it won't last.  You had better work on healthier habits, or when you're about 18 or 20, it will catch up with you and you will gain a bunch of weight, and you won't know what to do because all your life you've been able to eat whatever you wanted without worrying or getting fat.  You don't have to cut out all junk food.  Just eat it after a healthy meal or with a healthy snack.  You're still growing, you need lots of calories, so it's ok to get some of those calories from junk.  Just eat more healthy food and drink plenty of pure water, and you should be fine.  And as you near the end of your teens, you will need to be more careful, so just prepare for that mentally.  And keep an open relationship with your parents, so they will be able to alert you if you do start to get fat.


    Ok, so if you need to gain weight, you need to cut out the junk food completely.  Junk makes some people fat, but for others, it makes them lose weight.  Doesn't seem fair to those of us who it makes fat, but that is the miracle of the metabolism.  

    Eat plenty of vegetables, whole grain, lean meat and dairy, and fruit, at every meal.  That's balance.  (You can skip the vegetable at breakfast.)  Snack on vegetables, then if you're still hungry add in other healthy foods.  Drink at least 8 8-oz glasses of pure water every day.  On top of that, if you want to gain, you can eat healthy fats like peanut butter, nuts, avocados and olives.  Exercise gently at least every other day.  Cut out the sugar and junk, and especially all diet foods and artificial sweeteners for a month.  Give it a try and see if you don't look and feel better.  It will be hard to totally cut out junk food, I know.  Focus on adding in all the healthy stuff I've talked about here, and if you eat a little junk now and again, it will probably be ok too.  Eat enough healthy foods that you're not hungry and craving quick junk food calories.  Hope this helps!

  3. Totally agree with Misskitty.  You have a high metabolism because you are young but trust us it will not last with your current habits especially.  Junk food is not very nutritional.  I'm not sure exactly what junk food you are consuming, but if you are consuming high sugar foods, then this would actually give you more energy for a time period and cause you to possibly be more active and burn more calories.  You need to eat foods that are rich in carbs and protein not only for the weight, but for overall health.  

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