
Why do i keep on gambleing and keep putting myself down?

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hi, im 37 and was a addicted gambler, i have managed to control my gambleing in the past few years, but now and then i get the temptation to gamble and lose wot ever im saveing up for, whether it's a holiday, new tv, pay my bills, etc. my impulses usualy start when im bored , i walk into a betting shop and gamble with wot ever i have in my pocket usua;y it's not a lot, but as soon as i lose that, i go home to get my cash card, withdraw money form a cash machine and gamble more.I allways end up loseing my money. So what do i hve to do to stop myself from these temptations, as i have to wait for weeks before i can save up again to buy things and it depresses me. can anyone help?




  1. You have an addiction. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. I would recommend Gamblers Anonymous as a starting point.

  2. Well you could always join a support group. It's not a very serious problem at the moment since you do this occassionally, but if it keeps getting worse you should join a support group. Many gamblers do this and it seems to work. For now just try to occupy yourself and when you feel the urge to gamble just block it out by doing something active.

  3. well, at least you got insight knowing you are addicted to gambling, not too bad.

    There are a few things you need to know now.

    1st, Identify your triggers!!!!! What are your triggers? Use pen & paper write it down, eg. bored, peer influence, thought of winning etc... write it all down.

    2nd, Avoid Those Triggers!!!

    If your trigger is boredom than engage yourself in healthy activities. If it is peer influence, avoid those friends. There are plenty of good friend around. If the betting booth trigger you, then do a detour.Think of those things you want to buy. etc..

    3rd, Don't bring too much $ with you. Let someone else keep your card. If you have no access to $, you can't gamble and you won (save on the amount betting)

    4th, Let your family and friends know you are quiting this habit. Don't do it alone.

    5th, Seek professional treatment if you can't handle alone. Like counselling, support group etc.

    I don't have enough of your background and history to do detail assessment. These are some that I can share. I hope its useful.

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