
Why do i keep on getting bad dreams?

by Guest61816  |  earlier

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I keep on getting bad dreams all the time and i don't know why.

Can somebody tell me why i'm getting so many bad dreams or whats happening to me?




  1. I believe there must be something that you may have experience or a bad incident happened..... that might cause you to remember even in your dreams

    Over eating and going to sleep directly causes bad dreams too ...your body is not getting the rest and has to work overtime to burn the food in your system

    Some cases people are mentally disturb by Ghost , Devils, Spirits haunting them....!!!

  2. Bad dreams have been linked to stress and to what we eat and the unconscious psyche.

    I find that caffeine creates the opportunity for bad dreams. When I drink coffee, more than 4 cups in the day, and drink it after dinner it just begs for bad dreams.

    Bad dreams are also an opportunity for your unconscious to let you know that something is bothering you, or to give you hints. For example, I dreamed that someone broke in, woke in a sweat and then found that the front door was left unlocked......

    Recurrent themes or actions or people in dreams are said to be indicative of something that is about to occur or a lesson that needs to be learned. This is vague territory for most folks. There are specialists that have studied this field and is not something I would presume to speak to.

    The best solution I have found is to ensure that I am not thinking about something just before I fall asleep. Seems to help.

    Good luck and sweet dreams.

  3. maybe you're unsettled about something? think about what it is you're dreaming of and see how it relates to what's going on around you in reality. saying that..i've been dreaming about running away from zombies recently, they're horrible dreams lol.

  4. See your doctor. But maybe your not doing enough during the day to make you tired enough.

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