
Why do i keep questioning if the guy im talking to now is really into me?

by  |  earlier

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am i really wrong for addressing this. he says i say it way too much. but since the first day we met he touched all over me, grabed my croch. i know guys are all a bunch of horny b******s so thats what i guess ive brushesd it off to be. i tell him that since thats what hes been doing since day one it makes me wonder. i mean he comes to see me alot knowing that we arent even going to be able to have s*x if we wanted to. he told me he wants to spend the night with me, get a room. i mean he tells me hes really into me and not casue he just wants to have s*x. when we are together i dont feel like hes so into me. he shows me lots of affection but most of the time hugging me from behind rubbing his..on my behind. after writing all this im sure it without a doubt looks like this is all he wants. im just so ready for a relationship.. and.. how can i tell if hes really into me? hes not is he?




  1. i gauruntee you that he does that exact same stuff to at least 2 or 3 other girls

  2. i think that u're fighting a battle between your head and your heart (it's very common don't worry). your head tells you that he's great and loyal and nice, but your heart doesn't feel it. i know that you will pick the right thing. maybe it is not very clear right now, but in the future it will all be clearer. my advice is to ask him what's up. if he doesn't answer, give him some time. men are less open sometimes. but you do get sick of waiting tell him that. tell him that he has to be more communitative or u have no choice but to leave.  

  3. He's not, if that's all he ever talks about, and plus., you should go with your instincts, if your insticts tell you he's not into you, then he's probably not. Don't let your want for a relationship, cloud your better judgement.

  4. Does he want to share his hobbies with you?  Like say he's really into video games, does he wants you to play with him?  Or if he likes going to the beach, does he invite you?  Do you talk about stuff besides just s*x?  Does he ask you questions about yourself to try to get to know you (nonsexually)?  Does he seem interested in you as a person and not just a sexual object, a body?  These are signs he's really into you.  If he's only into s*x, that is all he'll care about, and won't have any interested in doing other things with you or being with you other than to have s*x or fool around.

  5. im not so sure this will answer your question or not buttt i just got dumped by a guy who acted exactly like that. when we first started talking, everything was cool, hed rub up on me and be very affectionate, but as soon as we started actually going out, he kinda ignored me.. then i confronted him about it a few times, and aparently i annoyed him so he dumped me.

    that all happened yesterday. pretty suck ***.

  6. well i think you answered your own question.  If he makes you uncomfortable hes not the right one. If he heard you he would stop makeing you feel uncomfortable but it sounds like he doesnt listen.  

  7. ya hun, i am pretty sure that this guy is just looking for a good time in bed. If what you say about him only giving u sexual attention is true, than i really think that u deserve someone better than this guy. try telling him that u don't want him to touch u like that for like a week and see if he still wants to hang out with you. If he wants nothing to do with you or thinks that what you want is bull than u know what he really wants.

    anyway, i wish you the best with this guy. hope this helps :)

  8. tell him to stop touching u and if he sticks around he likes u for u  

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