
Why do i keep tasting blood?

by  |  earlier

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latley, when i wake up my mouth tastes like blood, and whenever (yes its disgusting) i pop a spot my mouth tastes like blood!!! whats happening? and NO im not related to any vampires..




  1. YOu must be having some sort of ulcers(in mouth or throat or in stomach).

    Have a consulting with a doctor...

  2. maybe something in your mouth is bleeding? Maybe when you brush your teeth before sleeping you brush it too hard?

    I think the best would be to go to your dentist and ask him/her.

  3. go see ya doc different tastes in your mouth can indicate problems in other areas

    i'e breath that smells of peardrops can indicate there is something wrong with ur kidneys

    get it checked out

  4. It might be the back of your nose, an infection there maybe.  Are you prone to nose bleeds?

  5. Have you done any extreme or crash dieting recently? That can lead to strange tastes in teh mouth, also I have heard of people having a metallic/bloodlike taste in their mouth in the early stages of pregnancy before.

  6. if you notice it when someone pinches your cheeks, i can almost guarantee you're grinding your teeth. a lot of people do this in their sleep and don't realize it. especially because you say you notice it in the morning. check the insides of your cheeks. you could be biting them while grinding.

  7. tooth might be bleeding?

    u have an mouth ulcer

  8. your teeth are crooked at u cut your gum's in your sleep

  9. Yikes!!!!   Where's my wooden stake and garlic?

  10. the question is doctor or dentist first?  the one you will see may refer you to the other so go for it.

  11. dunno, best go see a doctor

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