
Why do i let people get to me so easily??

by Guest45286  |  earlier

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okay some people can do like absolutely nothing and just upset me. like well not absolutly nothing, but the littlest things just hurt me. am i too sensitive? emotional? or just not confident? like i dont even kno the word for it lol. but i dont understand how to get over this . its been a problem for me for almost the past year and a half. and ive been through alot so im thinking like the guard i always had up iz totally torn down now and i just feel like s**++ every day =' [




  1. I'm very much the same way. I've been crying all evening because one of my good friends blew me off.

  2. I am going to be me... I'm gonna be honest and if you don't like it report me I don't care. I love myself and I am not going to let myself get energy vamped by you [you're crying out for attention] Listen, I hope you understand I'm not criticizing you or trying to be mean. You obviously have very low self esteem. LSE [low self esteem] causes people to feel insecure about themselves, their self worth, their emotions, their actions, I could go on for miles. The reason you're upset [from what you just told me this question is directed towards me] is because I didn't automatically give you what you wanted. Honestly, I did not do anything wrong so I don't understand why you're upset. Maybe once you get a good nights sleep you'll realize that. Your perception of yourself is so low that you are letting yourself get effected by a girl you've never met before and talked to only once. You need to take a good deep look at yourself and stop doing this to yourself. No one is doing this to you, I didn't do anything to you, I am trying to wrap my fingers around the reason you're upset? What? Because I didn't tell you my name right when *you* wanted me to? Seriously? Sorry, I'm not that easy. If that's not the case just disreguard what I said. I'm not into the whole low self esteem I hate myself because I'm overreact and let what other people [even strangers] say effect me. Sorry but it's extremely unattractive and I sensed it from the moment we started talking. If you really want help [or you were just posting this hoping someone would give you attention] I suggest start to love yourself first. Once you love yourself, what other people say won't matter to you, you won't even let it effect you because you love yourself too much to put yourself through that. You're letting yourself feel like S**t, no one else did this to you, not me.. not any other girl who let you down. Only you can change yourself.

  3. If there's nothing specific you can think of that's making you feel this way after more than a year, then you are probably suffering from depression. You should see your doctor. There are non-addictive medications that can correct the chemical imbalance in your brain that causes this general run-down, unmotivated, moody, sad or easily irritated state of mind.

    It usually takes several weeks before the medication 'kicks in', but after that you will find, as you regain your 'balance', that life is getting better, your mood will improve, you will feel more confident about yourself in front of your friends and others, and your motivation and 'joie de vivre' will return.

    When you have recovered, and you will realize this yourself, you can be gradually weaned off the medication and possibly go through the rest of your life without further help. However, some people need to stay on these courses for a long time, and there's nothing to fear or be ashamed about if that happens in your case.

    Millions of people of all ages have been helped in this way, but first you should see your doctor.

  4. Perhaps you just need something to refocus your energy.  Find a way to express yourself that makes you feel good.  When you have other things to redistribute your focus on, you'll find that the little things in life don't bother you so much.

    Try picking up a new hobby or even volunteering!  Helping others makes you feel good about yourself AND allow you to see the bigger picture in life.

    Also, make sure you're getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating right.  I know it sounds silly and cliche but when those areas are lacking with me, I find myself having the exact same issue you do.  It's amazing how simply taking care of yourself physically can affect you emotionally.

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