
Why do i like it so much?

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I LOVE to watch a 13 year old girl is it b/c the guy i like plays but i think i liked watching it sence i was little. my favorite sport is softball totally differnt that confussed!




  1. I'm 15, I'm a girl, I watch and play hockey and it's what I live for. It's not weird at all. If you truly like watching hockey it most likely has nothing to do with a guy. I play softball too, and I'm really passionate about them both, more hockey but w/e. Don't be confused, there's no confusion nessesary.

  2. There is only one s in confused.

  3. I`m a 12 13 in 1 week girl and i watch hockey I also play though but since Im a goalie my mom says that i dont really play but i dissagree. and also u like it because its your favorite sport u just dont know it yet...

  4. it's okay to watch something you don't play I watch my sister swim race and my favorite sport is gymnastics!

  5. It is because it is the fastest, best, most exciting sport around.

    There is a reason they call it the hottest sport on ice.

  6. like it? What's your question? You just went on about your life story...

  7. well idk?

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