
Why do i like sleeping on the floor?

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idk why when im in a bed i just lay there for hours trying to find the right spot... but nothing...

but when im on the floor... ten minutes tops... and im out...

what is so comfortable about the floor that makes me so...comfy?




  1. not so far to fall

  2. Lol. laying on the floor straightens your back and it feels good tehe,

  3. I'm not sure but my friend who is of Indian descent sometimes sleeps on a wooden bed (it's a religious practice of her's i believe) and she says her back problems go away and it's more comfortable.  Also, if you are a male, your phsyique has less curves than a female and the flat floor suits your body better than the cushy bed.

  4. haha im the same as you, i prefer my floor over my bed anyday. whenever im staying at a friends house, they always offer me their bed but i always choose the floor (they think im just being polite about taking their bed but i just like the floor better).

    its solid and firm, and your back feels amazing afterwards.

    but i grew up in japan and we sleep on the floor there (on futons) so i guess its just because of the way i grew up haha

  5. I used to do that too! My brother does also, and neither of us have a logical explanation of why....I've kinda grown out of it now though, sorry I can't be of more help, I just wanted to drop a quick line so you new you weren't the only one!  

  6. dude my friend skylar always sleeps in the floor,idk he hates beds too,i guess yall are rare...i love a bed.

  7. baka kz mas malamig kpg nsa floor k den kpg nsa bed k nmn bka mainit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............. ol...............

  8. You wouldn't be saying that if you had a king sized bed.

  9. It sounds like your bed may be to soft.  The floor gives your back the support it needs.  Make sure your floor is clean and sleep on it until you can get a firmer mattress.

  10. I sleep in a tent-cot, so I have odd sleeping habits as well, when I get up early, I can only go back to sleep on the floor next to the fan, so like you, i also like the floor too. I think it's because a bed let's me move around way to much. To much bounce, even w/ a really nice bed that doesn't bounce, you still feel like your moving a lot, w/ the floor, your firmly planted and not moving so you can settle and rest faster, a loud fan is my main thing, I can't sleep if there is no fan in my face, the sound mainly, i hear every single thing I have to have some kind of white noise that block everything else.

  11. its not normal but its not weird ethier u just like the floor thats all

  12. ask a puppy.

  13. I hate sleeping on wooden floors - they are not comfortable but carpets can be comfortable

    i find that sleeping in a bed for too long gives me a really sore back but that doesnt happen when i sleep on the floor - not that i often do it though, only if im stayin a friends house

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