
Why do i look southern european/arab? :S?

by Guest62955  |  earlier

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i look very southern european/arab even though, as far as i know, i'm 100% northern european. my parents look very anglo (blonde hair, blue eyes, etc), so why do i look like this?

all my features are dark! dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin.. i really don't understand why :( people always ask if i'm lebanese or greek.

i've seen a photo of my great grandmother, and she looks like this too. but she's from the north of germany..

this is so confuesing, can anyone explain?




  1. It is genetics.  When you were concieved a set of dominate genes determined your appearance. If you had not looked like your great grandmother you may have looked like any other past relative whose genes had happened to be dominate.

    You may also become the parent to children that do not look like you. My brother and sister are dark haired with dark brown hair but have facial features of my father. I was a blond blue eyed child with the facial features of my Italian grandmother. My very southern Italian grandfather had a cousin with green eyes and red hair.

  2. Don't let anyone tell you that two blue eyed people cannot have a brown eyed child.  Blue eyed people can carry a recessive brown eyed gene which is very weak  and when you combine the 2 weak genes from both parents, they can produce blue eyed children.    A brown eyed person can have very strong recessive blue eyed genes.

    This came from a brother of a friend of mine who had a PHD in genetics and had been on the staff at Texas A & M. Briles was his name.

  3. Maybe your ancestors were originally pure-blooded Arabs.

    Are you alarmed or worried?

    Don't be!

    The Greeks and the Arabs are wonderful people.

    And I assume you're very good-looking...

  4. Germany has been a melting pot of ethnicities for a very long time. You might  look into your family history.  Do you have ancestors from southern Europe, like Spain. The Arabs held Spain for a long time before it became "Spanish." Go back even farther, the Roman Empire covered most of the continent.  Its people moved around a lot. If you walked through Rome during this time it was not uncommon to hear many different languages spoken.

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