
Why do i love sad songs? and other sad stuff?

by  |  earlier

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all the time im looking up like on youtube sad storys and or sad songs and i will start crying then every thing else thats sad thats happen to me in the past comes in to my head and i'll be crying for a while... and i love feeling sad but i love feeling happy too.... im sooo confused.. Help? Please? just some plz?????




  1. Without sadness there's no joy,try to find some time for smiling.

  2. Because you are a sad person ?????

  3. Sad songs say so much. So, turn 'em on.

  4. Hmm... I prefer drama too even though I'd rather laugh at people that are sad than to actually cry with them...

    Why ? I'm simply a bad person... made this way by other people on this jolly good planet :D

  5. Maybe, just maybe, you're a m*******t?  

  6. To be honest. I am probably the person who has done greatest numaber of mastrubation in the whole universe.

    and i am virgin. so.. yeah when i hear my soul goes for sadness. so yeah i like sad song, when i hear any hindi song..

  7. Don't worry you are gradually dragging yourself into a spiritual philosophical world.

    that will be nice to hear philosophies.!

    you should be proud of you, as you like to hear philosophy amidst the people of kaliyuga!

  8. maybe you just got too much emotion bottled up. Crying is normal, feeling sad is normal, wanting to feel sad is normal but of course the constant need for sadness is not normal. But you want to feel happy as well. Maybe you had some rough times, emotionally, in the past and its starting to affect you. Talk to a friend, relative or a loved one. Release your feelings slowly but surely.

  9. I think its normal, i do the same, i like to listen sad song when i am happy and happy song when i am sad, its simply because i want to remind myself that the things aren't going the way you like it. if you are happy, you have to be ready to be sad at one point and vise versa...

  10. aaah ur the excact same as me i watch sad stuff on youtube and cry and then think abt sad stuff in my life!!, just i dunno lol

  11. I'm wondering....are you a child of parents who divorced, or didn't stay together?  If you are, maybe you never got to mourn the breakup of your parents? I am a child of divorce, and am grown with grown kids of my own who are, as I divorced their dad...and years later, I regret that because of what it's done to them. I know for myself, and my kids, there's a sadness that doesn't go away, a vacuum, a void,  an abyss...everyone manifests it differently...some are in denial, don't allow themselves to feel those feelings, so shut off all emotions; some internalize that pain and are self destructive, or get stuck on those feelings of sadness, like a grief that will never go away, or get swallowed by that abyss, that "black hole of the heart"...

    If this is your circumstances, get help. Get therapy, as I take it you're a teen, and heal yourself and learn to love yourself, get grief counseling, (divorce is like death in so many ways) before you start a love relationship....or you could end up creating for your future children the same pain you are in now, (children of divorce are much more likely to get divorced) and the pain you will feel someday, knowing you did that, if your child has trouble coping,  will make the pain you suffered as a child seem trivial in comparison.

    Another thing: if you ever want to "fall in love" someday and be a couple with someone and have a chance of it to work, make sure you get over this recent pasttime of a self-fulfilling prophecy, the vibes of sadness, focusing on that, in some metaphysical way could sabotage any happiness, could ensure that your story ends sad too--like the law of the universe, what you send out comes back...


  13. a lot of people like being sad emo's for instance it is good for everyone to have a good cry

  14. Maybe because you unconsciously want to let out stress by crying.

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