
Why do i never finish anything i start??

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i have like pile of books next to my computer, but almost all of the books are unfinished i keep buying them and never finish . Same thing is happening with college right now i started good about quarter of the way i lost interest in it. And every time i try to continue i feel that i am forcing myself to do it. For some reason i always start things off good but about quarter of the way i loose interest in it.

\Any idea whats wrong or what i can do. Tnx




  1. you should probably finish what you started then you start a new one

  2. Keep on placing new goals within a new goal. If you're continuously accomplishing something within the goal, it shouldn't be getting old.

  3. u need to see someone about reversing your self defeating behavior.  only u know where it started. if u don't then a councelor will help u to go back to the beginning, understand why u started it, work the problem out then help u stop discontinue a thing that will ruin u in the future

  4. think about how good it'll feel to finish all those things

  5. just stay at it eventually you will get it done.

  6. You should make it interesting for you. Or maybe you are afraid to success?

  7. i have the same exact problem. so i know how you feel. what i did was that i bought one book at a time. i said to myself, i can only have another book after i finish with my current book.

  8. I do the same thing, i think it might be because

  9. cuz ur a freak

  10. nothing is wrong.  college is hard.  most books are dumb.  you are not alone.  

  11. You said it yourself. You feel like you have to force yourself. That's life. Almost everything loses it's luster, then your left with you and it. It's not about how you feel, or what you "want to do". It's about finishing what you start, being reliable.

    Yes, you will have many times in life where you either force yourself or you quit. You already know what quitting feels like. Try forcing yourself and seeing it al the way through. Either way, you will have a resuilt that either you like or not.

    Forcing yourself to do somethin gis part of being mature. Everyone does things almost everyday that they absolutely do not want to do. However, there are joys inside those things that make it worth it, and you learn to be happy no matter what you do.

    Finishing is key to success. How hard will you push yourself to achieve?

  12. You are afraid of failure so you never finish that way there's no failure in becoming what you set out to do.  You must finish no matter how it ends and realize that not living is achieving a goal it's the goal of failure!!!  So re-dedicate yourself and just finish and ask God to guide you on the right path he works everything out for your good even when you've made the wrong choices.  O.K.?



  13. your lazy

  14. Because you have my personality.....

  15. try reading a little bit at a time. maybe you read too much in one day and never want to read it every again.

  16. distraction! too much other stimuli that is getting you off focus and you keep picking up new stuff and never finish the previous stuff. Try to stay focused and determined to finish what you started. eventually you'll get this down to a habit and you'll finish what you start!

  17. You are afraid of f success or failure I suspect...but it could be procrastination too.....and it  always robs you of what you want in life.

    Procrastination robs us of our time, keeps us from achieving our goals.

    It is helpful to complete "things to do" and finish up lingering tasks. If you "leave a lot of things hanging" it will create more fodder for the mind to think about and keep you from the moment. It is best to get what needs to be done out of the way to free up your energy, rid yourself of distractions. It is also helps you to achieve your goals in all areas of life if you have good follow through

    ….Why do we indulge in such self-defeating behavior?

    There are numerous reasons for procrastinating. Here are the most common:

    1. Information Overload:

    Today information comes at us faster than the speed of light. Too much information often leads to…

    2. Not Knowing Where To Start:

    It’s hard to start something and finish if you don’t know where or how to begin. Many times the inability to begin leads to…

    3. Disorganization:

    You can’t find information or the things you need to begin the task. Disorganization can cause…

    4. Lack of Concentration:

    Have you ever tried to finish a task when you can’t concentrate? Very difficult.

    No wonder you don’t liked doing what is needed. One of the reasons you can’t concentrate is because you are experiencing…

    5. Lack of Focus:

    No direction or goal to keep your mind focused on the task. When you are unfocused, you probably have…

    6. Lack of Motivation:

    No compelling reason or sense of urgency to start or complete the project. Lack of motivation can come from…

    7. Lack of Energy:

    Do you feel like doing anything when you are tired? Maybe you are tired and don’t have any energy because of…

    8. Boredom:

    Yawn!!!…The task could be boring because there is no creativity involved. Nothing to excite you to get going or it could be boring because it is…

    9. Unpleasant:

    YUK…it is human nature to avoid doing unpleasant things. No fun. But are you making it unpleasant because you strive for…

    10. Perfectionism:

    Everything has to be just right…add too much detail…can’t have any mistakes… The task is never completed because it is never perfect. Can’t start either unless everything is perfect in the beginning. Perfectionism is a sign of you being…

    11. Highly Critical:

    Are you constantly criticizing what you do? It’s never good enough? You never can do anything right? Are you being critical and can’t start because of your…

    12. Fear of Failure:

    Making mistakes is unacceptable. If you don’t start, you can’t make a mistake. You can’t fail…Fear of failure isn’t the only fear that holds us back and causes procrastination, so does…

    13. Fear of Success:

    The opposite of failure. Often the reason for both fear of failure and fear of success is…

    14. Low Self Esteem :

    You don’t believe you can do it. You don’t feel worthy or good about yourself. So why begin in the first place. Low self esteem can come from…

    15. Personal Problems:

    Your life is a mess. You have health issues, perhaps even relationship problems. Maybe you lost your job. You have financial problems. Whatever it is, who wants to start something new with all this "stuff"going on? Some problems are unavoidable or you have no control over them. It does make it difficult to start or finish a project. But some problems are self inflicted because…

    16. You Don’t Understand Your Personal Style:

    You are trying to be somebody you are not…living up to somebody else’s standards. You may be working against your peak hours. What kind of environment do you work best in?

    Do you feel like you are constantly working against yourself? Do you feel like nothing ever turns out right anyway, so why bother? Do you begin to get impatient? If you are impatient, you probably have the…

    17. Inability to Delay Gratification:

    You do what you want to do, when you want to do it, instead of doing what needs to be done. One of the reasons is you…

    18. Lack Control:

    Don’t have the discipline to finish what you started? What causes this lack of control? The inability to start and complete a task. Well, it could be because….

    Just pick any reason from the list and repeat!

    Every one of us suffers from procrastination syndrome at one time or another. The goal is not to let procrastination take over and rule your life.

    Best Cure of Procrastination….A-C-T-I-O-N *


    Ability To Do It




    Tenacity To Stick With It


    Intention Is To - - - -


    Ongoing Process To Overcome Obstacles


    Now Is The Time To Start.


    The majority of people procrastinate as a result of bad habits accumulated over their lifetime. For some, it can be a psychological disorder. If you feel that your procrastination is more that just a bad habit, you should seek the help of a professional.  

  18. Its okay. Nobody demands you to be a perfectionist and is after you besides yourself. All this are thoughts in your head. This crazy world we live in always thinks climbing a tree and running an extra mile is the right thing to do. Trust me. Its wrong. Why don't you look at the live of people in poor countries, people there suffer everyday for a simple stomachful of food. Hard, thankless work. Most kids don't even go to school. Have you ever read about the "invisible children" of Uganda? Please do. Imagine how blessed you are?

    I'm orphaned, and I still grew up alright, still struggle for money though, working crazy jobs when all my friends are out hanging out after school and having fun and doing things. I still finished my BS in engineering and I'm in grad school almost finishing up. I know, I'm slow, but I will finish, I know. if not this term, perhaps next. I owe "uncle sam" tons of money in student loans too, but its okay, so does like several million people. I still have like atleast 6 to 7 books that I never even opened myself. Ive been trying to read this book like the past 5 months and have not even gone past the 2nd chapter.  I live a very poor life too among rising gas prices and ridiculously expensive world. So listen my friend, this is how life is, Please listen to yourself and spend more time with yourself alone, not reading, not talking on the phone, not on the internet, not watching tv, just alone, lonely in your room thinking. Make you your best friend first. If you cant be alone with your true self at least a single day, how do you expect to anything to work. Try this and then you are ready to face the world. Oh, I'm 26 male by the way and live in san diego. I threw away my cellphone and disappeared from the the world and slept in my car like a month just to be with myself, only to reboot myself. I came back happy, and well and was dearly loved and taken back by all my friends who missed me so dearly. I did lose a few pounds but I needed that time off. I'm sure you will do okay, if you are not too hard on yourself, but for that you first got to get to know yourself, and know your limits. Heck, Nobody's perfect.

  19. lack of motivation...........which sometimes comes from lackin in a vitamin...or maybe just lazy or sumin......

    u just need to kick urself in the bumbum...LOL


    K C

  20. My husband says it's because I'm a Gemini. LOL!

    I'm the same way. I find it best to have several things going at once. I get bored working on just one project. My husband on the other hand can work on one project until completed, no matter how long it takes.

    So I would suggest you have a few things going at once. Don't feel guilty about not getting back to something, that will make you avoid it that much longer (I do that all the time).

    Another thing that helps is to not tell yourself you need to finish that whole book tonight, or chapter or whatever. Try to pace yourself and just do a page or two, even if it only takes 10 minutes or whatever. Make yourself stop and do something else. It will seem silly to do so little but if you do that every night, it adds up.

  21. Maybe you have ADD. (Attention Deficit Disorder) and you can't stay focused on things for periods of time.

  22. your lazy..Like me

  23. i've got the same problem...sad eh?

    well all u can do is make it fun!

    ya! fun fun fun! make it a game lol thats what i do

  24. i dont know cuz they r boring

  25. Get some professional help with this. In a few sessions you may have this solved.

  26. Sounds as if your advanced beyond your work but the little things really are important so don't be discouraged but keep working on being focused. The workers that had to install the heat shields on the space shuttle had to endure tens of thousands of hours performing extremely boring work but we see their importance...james the hollow earth man

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