
Why do i never get those awesome butterflys when i go on a roller coatser anymore??

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i still get them a tiny bit once in a while, but i used to feel them sooooo well and i never get that feeling anymore

the millenium force, dragster, raptor, sherikra, maverik, ect.. dont give me butterflys anymore, it sucks!!

is it because i've been on so many roller coasters???

how do i get the feeling back? is it better to ride on a full stomache?




  1. Not sure if this is the case, but if the "butterflies" feeling seems to be there at the beginning of your visit to a park, and then gradually fades out over the course of the day, I would take a look at what it is you're riding and in what order.  This once happened to me one day at Six Flags, where I rode a smaller coaster to start off, and it was incredible, but once I had been on all of the bigger coasters, my second ride on the smaller one seemed way too tame for me to enjoy it.

    So, I would suggest that you start your day off with the smallest, tamest coaster you are planning on riding, and work your way up to the biggest and wildest you want to go on.  That way, the thrill builds, rather than you getting used to a lot of thrills, and then being disappointed later.

    Also, if you normally ride in the middle you may want to try waiting for the front or back seats on coasters.  I suggest the back, because there's more air time AND it feels faster, but some people prefer the front because of the view, and it is also true that the first drop always feels awesome from the front seat because you're looking straight down at the track.

    Another thing you can try, if you are very careful and riding a coaster with lap bars that "click" rather than the hydraulic restraints which can lock into any position, is to pull your lap bar down one less click than you normally would.  Only do this if it  is still touching your body enough that it could do its job.

    If you do this and your restraint is not down enough to be safe, the ride attendants will push it down farther for you when they check the restraints, but a lot of times people are used to pushing the lap bar down as far as it can possibly go.  When they do this, it squishes them in so much that they can't really move that little bit enough to feel all of the air time they possibly can.  If you give yourself a little bit of room, your body has the opportunity to hover a little when the ride is giving you air time--definitely a good way to get some more "butterflies."

  2. chances are, that if youve ridden so many coasters, the butterflys may have flown away. but, its very common. ive ridden over 50 different coasters and now im not feeling it as much. but i can give you some tips on how to get the best butterflys!

    1. Relax, if you relax and dont tense up when going throgh loops or down drops your body is free to go and catch some butterflys!

    2. Dont hold on! If you dont hold on you dont stay in the same spot. If you let go you also move around and get air born and thats where you feel the weightlessness.

    3. Ride freefall towers. Rides such as the mega drop and thing like that. The ones that take you up slow then drop you! Here in Australia we have the fastest travelling drop tower. It goes 55m up and goes at 204kmp/h in just 2.7 seconds! Your gaurenteed to get the butterflys back on these modern day terrors!

    4. Just try to have more fun! Scream, laugh talk! When your having MORE fun on a rollercoaster you will surely attract some butterflys! Haha. Hope i helped. have fun on your next coaster!! :)

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