
Why do i not like the one man who treats me like a princess? and like the one who treats me like poo?

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Why do i not like the one man who treats me like a princess? and like the one who treats me like poo?




  1. Fluctuating estrogen levels determine whether a woman is attracted to a "bad" boy or a man who treats her like a princess.  According to a scientific study published in 2005, "Men with low testosterone invest in relationships and offspring more than men with high testosterone.  Women's attraction to testosterone-dependent traits is enhanced during the late-follicular, fertile phrase of the menstrual cycle [the time she is most likely to conceive].  Attractive, feminine women have a stronger preference for masculine men as long-term partners than less attractive men."

    In other words, take boorish behavior as a compliment from Macho Man.

  2. I don't know, I have friends like you though. I really don't understand it at all, as the mother of a daughter it scares me very much. At the first sign of disrespect to me a man was shown the door, I am married to a lovely man and I'm afraid you do get the treatment you settle for. Give the good guy a chance!!!

  3. don't be angry but it might be because your a woman

  4. shut up, before I have to slap you upside the head

  5. You want a strong man who can protect you. It's in your DNA. You succonsciously think that mean is strong. Or rude is strong. His detachment from emotion. All of these things are in your psyche. You'll figure out that they aren't equated.

  6. my answer to that question is simple.every woman likes a bad boy someone who sometimes is unpredictable sometimes they feel as if they are the one that is going to change him and make him settle down where on the other hand you have mister nice guy .you know who he is and what hes about you feel like he wouldn't be a challenge or spontaneous  

  7. There is a great Brazilian comedy called "Dona Flor and her Two Husbands" about a woman who is widowed from her bad boy husband. She re-marries a kind gentle considerate man who treats her extremely well, but she is visited by the naked ghost of her first husband.

  8. Women are pre-dispotioned towards men who treat them badly - this is because confidence, and masculinity are strongly associated at those type of men.

    It is the same in all the natural world - hence the peacocks with the biggest plumage getting the action from the females.

    Women can say they want a 'nice, caring' man all they want - truth is, they only want them when they are ready to settle down and desperate to raise a family.

    You never see any 'bad' men living in suburbia do you.....?

  9. Part of the female human condition I am afraid.  It takes a level of maturity before one is able to appreciate the former.

  10. Because you do not deserve happiness

  11. girls always say they want the nice guy but always go for the aholes i dunno why i been trying to figure it out for years. your species is just weird. and furthermore you posted this in the wrong forum.  

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