
Why do i pick at my nails/cuticles so much? ?

by  |  earlier

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i pick at my cuticles all the time and i've done it so much that i sometimes make them bleed but i just keep doing it. they have this white skin inside of them and i just feel the need to "clean" or "pick" it out. i peel of the skin surrounding it sometimes to which leads to bleeding. they do not lay flat like normal cuticles, they look swollen. i need to stop but i cant even when it hurts. how do i stop this? what is wrong with me?




  1. You have an OCD and should see a doctor for it.

  2. OMG!

    I seriously do the EXACT same thing. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

    I do it when I'm bored out of my f*ing mind Lol. Also sometimes when I am nervous. Maybe that is why you do it?

    I don't think there is anything wrong with you.

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